32명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
2명이 이 평가가 재미있다고 함
지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 47.8시간 (평가 당시 40.8시간)
게시 일시: 2012년 11월 19일 오후 5시 47분
업데이트됨: 2013년 11월 25일 오후 12시 16분

Cubemen was a strange experience for me. Somehow I had gotten myself a little excited about this game, not sure why, it didn't exactly have much of a hype going for it. But there I was, actually looking forward to this game. And boy was I disappointed.

Cubemen is a Tower Defense game. You place your towers, or cubemen on the map and move them around as necessary to shoot the enemies who will come at you from a multitude of spawnpoints on the map. They use a variety of weapons who's damage potential, type of damage and accuracy varies decently. Unfortunately several easy strategies exist to completely overpower the enemy early and take command of the game to the point where any challenge disappears out the window.

The random accuracy does provide some problems though as an early rush strategy that sometimes wins you the map with no casualties will other times make you lose without killing a single enemy. This randomness, combined with the reliability of camping the enemy spawns makes the strategy very shallow. You never have to spend much time contemplating unit placement or even which units to purchase beyond the first 2 minutes of a map.

The problem is that Cubemen is a very, very simple game. It'll take you five minutes to learn how to play it and ten to master it completely. The economy questions are virtually nonexistent, all enemies and maps can be met with the same strategies and the is virtually no challenge to be found in the game.

Despite the multi-player being cross-platform with mobile devices it is almost completely dead which is probably not a bad thing, considering the broken balance.

It is a game that gives you no reason to continue playing once you've done the first 30 minutes. Only the achievements exist to keep you playing but even that is just a mindless grind.
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댓글 2
Martini 2019년 6월 30일 오후 7시 29분 
You have 47 hours and still rated badly lmaooo
†TheReaper† 2017년 8월 5일 오후 1시 02분 
You have almost 50 hours in the game... Did you just replay over and over?