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Postat: 19 aug. 2017 la 21:29
Actualizat: 19 aug. 2017 la 23:21

Prey is a good game that doesn't feel like a labour of love. The gameplay is incredible (if you're lucky enough to avoid technical issues), but everything about its presentation is just... there.

'Uninspired' is the word.

Please keep in mind that 'uninspired' does not mean bad. A talented team doesn't have to be driven by insane passion to deliver a solid product—which Prey definitely is. It's just perhaps a bit too risk-averse, with the plot being your canned 'sci-fi about alien space and also human mind', the visual design and music being bland, and the whole experience being a bit too sole-coloured and smooth, lacking variety and becoming repetitive by the end.

What is not smooth is the performance. Please be warned that the last third of the game was an on and off slideshow on my rather decent setup; also choosing 'high' or 'very high' quality led to some textures not loading at all. Why that happens is a no-brainer, of course: the game loads a ginormous level, obviously straining the engine. However, I don't think such performance is acceptable for an AAA title.

Yet the most promoted feature of Prey is just brilliant. Like most Bethesda titles, Prey is to a large extent about walking around and grabbing everything that isn't glued... so why not make the interaction with objects the main source of tension? Your most common enemies, mimics, can turn into objects—the precise objects that you crave. So each time you hurry to grab one, you are putting yourself in danger. The main lure and main threat are combined in a feat of simple, yet very effective design.

Unfortinately, it is only like this for the first quarter of the game or so—after that mimics are gradually replaced by stronger, but less inventive enemies.

Still, even then it plays like a charm—the exploration aspect of the game is just perfect, with a huge station filled with secrets, shortcuts, and multiple solutions to all situations. You can always find a way around through a maintenance hatch, or move a huge box to jump on it, or hack something, or repair a turret... it all works together, making the game world feel extremely fair, with very little game-y stupidity. If you see something, you can get there. If you have a logical idea, it probably can be executed. The whole station is one giant puzzle for you to solve.

One of the coolest aspects of this giant puzzle, by the way, is that it doesn't always lead you from one quest marker to another. Many situations require paying attention, reading a note or listening to an audio log—not just clicking on them to record the important bits to the quest log, but actually paying attention.

I had great fun with this game and I recommend it. I also think it will be quickly forgotten (compared to System Shock, Bioshock, or Dishonored, that is), replaced by more poignant experiences in people's minds.

Guess that's one more reason to pick it up now, while it's still all the rage.
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9 comentarii
alphyna 21 aug. 2017 la 10:23 
DarthMalice, ну есть много социальных сетей, где я пишу чисто на русском. собственно, все остальные. Steam я воспринимаю именно как англоязычное пространство, плюс именно тут я иногда коннекчусь с западными коллегами, игроками и т.д. — всё-таки это часть моей работы.

плюс я читаю и смотрю мало игровых обзоров, но если это происходит, то только на английском, так что я их и думаю на английском.

плюс немного тренирую язык.
Darth_Malice 21 aug. 2017 la 10:15 
Всегда хотелось спросить - почему на англ? На английском и так полно хороших и достаточно полных обзоров. Почему бы не развить ру-сегмент коммьюнити, учитывая, что у многих игр обзоров на русском просто нет, либо на уровне "отбился карточками/нет русского/игра говно (без аргументов)"
Shadow on the Sun 20 aug. 2017 la 15:35 
Good review and I feel like the demo is more than enough to show me how uninspired the game is. I'm surprised you didn't mention Alien: Isolation.
alphyna 20 aug. 2017 la 10:43 
воин Тан Суллы, выходные же!

I, Corgi, well. It definitely has way way less spooks than SOMA (which does overdo them). However, it's as spooky as any stealth game is—when every enemy is a legitimate threat to you, you have a good reason to fear then. But it's not very jumpscary, if that's what you're wondering.

Emrys, that friggin green dot! :Lurcher:
RaimuBito 20 aug. 2017 la 5:09 
So so fast, the sailing ship...
Emrys 20 aug. 2017 la 4:10 
It's not very spooky in general, but I found one optional screamer and nearly broke my monitor, so there's that
I, Crime Corgi 20 aug. 2017 la 2:06 
Kinda feels like the same praise/criticism can be applied to Dishonored 2. Also, I hope it's not spooky. I admire SOMA, but it was occasionally needlessly scary for a massive coward like me.
Khan 20 aug. 2017 la 1:02 
32 часа за несколько дней... А меня ещё задротом называют.
Kosmonávt Tomaš 19 aug. 2017 la 22:52 
I don't know how you can call uninspired the game that have party scene with aliens.