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投稿日: 2017年1月27日 23時00分
更新日: 2017年1月27日 23時07分


+ Bosses die from a single hit, and so does the protagonist. No health bar is a nice change from many games.
+ Ok music

- Lots of walking through boring maps is required get to the titans, which you need to repeat every time you die.
- No story or any explanation who the protagonist is, who are the titans and why is the protagonist trying to kill them, what is the location etc...
- Pixel art, and not of the charming variety.
- Charachter is planted in the same spot while the arrow is pulled back.

Bottom line: Played a couple of hours, killed a few bosses, not going to waste my time walking in this game when I can actually *play* in other games.
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