VictorienXP   France
The gamemode where you where you play as the best cook... By collecting all the props and stuffing them into your cooking pot. Super Cooking Panic (or SCookP, because for anti-breaching reasons we can't make shorter), is a team based gamemode where teams o
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As it stands the developer is lying about the fact that we "can find the full source code, including dark mode, on GitHub".

Anyone can look at the GitHub to find absolutely no trace of the latest changes to the source code that is currently being distributed on Steam nor the dark mode feature.
Which also might constitute of violation on the license[] but I'm no lawyer.

You can easily verify all that for yourself: you can see on SteamDB[] that there was recent updates to the Steam builds yet there isn't a single recent commit of actual code to find on the GitHub repository[].

I'm guessing most people overlooked that fact since they already supported Borderless Gaming on Steam.


On GitHub while I responded to someone[] who was pretty much saying the same thing I've been saying this whole time: the developer actually blocked me and marked me as a spam.

Until then I had yet to see a proof for the "silencing criticism" allegations but it turns out to be 100% true.

You can see my comment archived here before it got manually hidden by the developer:


Well the dev finally decided to permanently ban me for calling them out. Their reason being that I was off topic which is true tbh but I was merely responding to the their post that was responding to my initial post.
It's safe to assume I would not have make a new post if it wasn't for debunking another lie.

What I'm more concerned about is that now they really did completely silenced me instead of doing what they should really be doing (all my posts were deleted).

You may see what got me permanently banned here:

Response to the original developer response:

I fully know how Git and GitHub works thank you, I've been using it as a developer for almost 10 years. I'm more than capable to see through your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Does it looks like I don't know what I'm talking about? I've contributed to multiple projects over the years, I know what to look for, I know branches, I know PRs, stop the act already.

The mere fact that you actually responded to my review to accuse me of not understanding GitHub says plenty to me.

All this time you could have linked directly to actually prove what you are saying. It's the whole point of having something convenient as GitHub, you get to actually see and link anything that's publicly available.
But you never actually linked to anything specific, so yes I'm exposing you like it is.

I did verify multiple times what I'm talking about before taking the decision to write about it.
I have plenty of proofs about what I'm saying.
I actually even cloned the repository just in case the GitHub search was broken.

There is no trace of any "Steam" branch. The closest thing is the tag "10.0-steam" which is outdated and based on the "net8" branch which didn't had any new commit ever since the V10 build got on Steam.

Yet there was this whole announcement saying we "can find the full source code, including dark mode, on GitHub" but it's just not the case.
Many build changes were pushed to Steam and there is not single recent commit of code about any of it available to us on the repository.

You may find the original developer response archived here:

Response to the new developer response:

When I first saw that I was speechless...
I was utterly disgusted to be associated with those atrocities.

But first since when did I got banned for "being racist"?
The exact reason given was "Take a time out and stop trying to dox me.".
So you did not ban me for "being racist".
You really hit a new low just because you cannot disprove anything I'm saying.

But even the "dox" part is an laughable over exaggeration of the truth.
All I did was mentioning public history and events, most of which you proudly posted yourself.
I really don't see how this constitute "doxxing" and many other users pointed it out most of the things I referenced before I was even involved.
Also to this day, the post that got me banned is still up, if it was truly "doxxing" it would have been gone by now.

Then at which point did your twisted mind come into the conclusion that I made those horrendous emails ?
Perhaps you had to assume that so you could discredit my review but sadly for you I'm giving only facts here and I never ever sent you any email.
Also the sender is hidden on those screenshots.
If you truly believe it's me: I allow you to reveal the email address that sent those emails.
But it's not me so you would definitely dox the true author of these garbage emails.

It's insane to think it's been weeks since you began withholding the latest source code and openly lying and gaslighting your audience about it.

Then you actually go out of your way to craft even more insane lies against people who are calling you out.

Until you actually pulled the racism card out of absolutely nowhere, I still had hope you would do the right thing but I was really disgusted by how far you are willing to go.