No information given.
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned
Artwork Showcase
I am very busy due to Uni so I rarely check steam nowadays. It's likely I'll either respond really late or not at all to adds/comments - I apologise in advance.
If you would like to trade, unfortunately trade offers are really the only choice right now but please do note that I still do not check them often.

Information regarding Bots
If you're here with concerns related to the bots that I run, here's a bit of information that may answer your questions:
Unfortunately I do not offer trade backs. However, if you have made an error, I will gladly refund you the differences. Please send me a trade offer with a note - If I have pure, just put it in the trade offer. If I don't, the note will inform me and I'll withdraw the pure from elsewhere. Please be patient though - as I stated above I'm currently very busy.
Unfortunately I'm currently too busy to handle manual trades. This would mean that the bots are only accepting pure at this point, apologies in advance.

Be wary of any Impersonators
I've noticed that there's been people impersonating me. Please be cautious with your trading, always double check their rep.

Mobile Authenticator is activated
If you have the following, I'm unfortunately not willing to trade with you:
Trade Holds
Steam Rep Mark

Favourite Game: TF2
Main Class: Soldier
Previous Main: Medic/Demo
Favourite Comp Team: FROYO Tech [ soundcloud.com ]

Trading Sites
Backpack.tf - https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198054945991

| steamname: Ace :3
| steam3ID: [U:1:157331688]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:78665844

Trading Info
Please do:
Send a trade offer!
Research before offering (duped items)

Please don't:
Attempt to Scam

Amount Spent on Steam: $10
Crates Uncrated: ~300
Unusuals Uncrated: 0

Kide54 Feb 4, 2018 @ 2:26am 
+rep sold 400 keys i went first