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Опубликовано: 24 июн. 2016 г. в 15:43

When I got this game I was wondering how to change keyboard controls since the default controls are horrible...
Anyways you can change the settings once you start the game and not from the options like you'd assume.

I think the characters could have used a bit more work. Like the faces for example 'cause they look awkward.
I do like the animations like when you fall and such except when you die because of said animation...

Good luck trying to get S-rank in levels. Why one of the requirements is making combos...WHY?! Even if I finish the level with lightning speed, kill everything with 100% and don't even get hit once but still no S-rank...WHY?!
Damn you *waves fist*

On the middle of the lvl there's usually a place or two where mobs appear from thin air. I'd rather if there was mid lvl bosses like in Megaman Zero for example cause they're much more fun to fight than whoever thought of this mob appearing from thin air ♥♥♥♥.

I think difficulty is alright but maybe too hard for some casual players. With some practice the lvl's are easier to play. Maybe some random AI behavior would make the game even harder or some change of mobs from time to time.
Alternative routes would have been nice too.

It has story...sort of. Some cutscenes are kinda annoying while you're trying to focus on running the lvl fast.

All in all I enjoyed the game. Haven't yet finished but it's not a bad game. Especially if you're into Megaman games.

It's not perfect. Like I really miss my wall jumping and wall jump dash :P
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