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Publicada: 29/ago./2014 às 12:46

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The Shadowrun universe is a great setting for an online mission based RPG.

The game as is (29. August 2014) is pretty barebones and doesn't contain much content - a few combat-missions and a combat focused campaign. I wouldn't recommend buying this game as it is now - but backing the game is something you should consider.

I would love to see the roleplaying and multiplayer aspect of this game to be developed on - features like decking, the astral plane, charisma and stealth are very important in this setting. Another thing that this game is totally missing is the off-time of Shadowrunning - laying low as to loose heat, contacts and exploring. It would be nice to see the posibility to handle situations in many different way - there is no non-lethal way to complete missions right now, and no charisma-archetypes like in the original roleplay systems where you would need a fully rounded party with a facer, decker, rigger, street samurai and magician.

The developers would be doing the game much good by expanding the meta-phase and maybe aiming to be similiar in some ways to Divinity Original Sin.
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