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Évaluation publiée le 12 mai 2015 à 9h12
Mis à jour : 31 juil. 2015 à 15h18

A very fun parkour/puzzle game with an intriguing story.

Lemma is your basic parkour game. It follows much of the same aspects as games such as mirrors edge. It carries out this parkour mechanic very well and fluidly. You can find yourself running across walls, jumping over ledges and walling jumping to get to higher places in lemma. It does very little differently to other games in this respect.

Later in the game however you do get access to an interesting new mechanic that changes up the gameplay slightly. As you slide across ledges or run across walls you create a blue area. This area can be used to carry the games electricity system, The mechanic is used to create thought provoking puzzles. You have to figure out exactly how to get to an area through parkour so you can continue the track of electric power. This aspect of the game created a rather fun way of combining puzzles and parkour together.

One thing about this game really suprised me. I wasn't expecting it to have a very good story, if even a story at all. However the game has a really interesting story. To put it simply it involves you talking to another person who is trapped in this world with you. My description doesn't do it much justice but there is much more to it than that. It involves a heavy amount of physics so if your into that then this is a good game for you.

The story is told through use of notes and a mobile phone system in which you chat via text to your friend. Usually I would hate the fact that the story is told via notes cause this usually means the developer has run out of interesting ideas to tell the story with. Although Lemma seems to somehow wipe this notion from me and tell the story incredibly well through notes. The telephone system also means you feel like your interacting with the other person.

Lemma contains plenty of stuff for the collectors out there. Each level contains multiple orbs and notes to find. They are hidden in increasingly difficult places making them a challenge to get to.

Personally I found one thing that really let the game down. The graphics aren't particularly great. Texture quality is not up to a very high standard throughout the majority of the game. The game also repeatedly uses the same textures throughout a level making it seem extremely repetitive and can get boring after a while. However the amazing lighting effects do counteract this issue greatly and can redeem the game of this very minor flaw.

The majority of the time I found the animations to be very fluent and look great. The grabbing, running and jumping animation of the arms looked great, when they worked. Although sometimes I did find myself grabbing onto nothing and kind of jumping about glitching a bit. This did kill the experience a little for me. But luckily this wasn't too common of an occurance. I was also very disappointed with the rolling and sliding animation. When doing these you completely use track of your character and your screen just spins without you knowing what is going on. This completely disorientates you and can make you end up falling off the world accidently.

The games options menu is about as complete as I would want it to be. It contains pretty much the full range of resolutions. There are seperate volume sliders for SFX volume and Music. There are a wide variety of graphics options available with options such as Ambient occlusion, Volumetric lighting, V-sync and a lot more all being present. The only thing it may be missing that it should probably have is anti-aliasing. There is also a full control menu with entirely rebindable keys present. The interface also is very uninspired presented in a see through black box but this is another minor flaw.

Overall I felt this game to be a fantastic experience that should be played by anyone looking for a game with great parkour mechanics as well as a fantastic story.

TheIronicGamers rating system
  • Don't ever buy this game.
  • Maybe consider it on a sale.
  • An average game.
  • A good game that should definitely be considered.
  • A must play!
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