136 people found this review helpful
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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.0 hrs on record
Posted: Jan 29, 2016 @ 3:17pm
Updated: Jan 30, 2016 @ 4:29am


Textual summary:
First thing first - it's VERY obvious this game was re-branded after the 2011 court case where they no longer had the duke Nukem license, so Shelly was born and with her BombShell. 3d Realms isn't the one that died back in 2009, this is the new Danish studio.

The main "general", "main villain" and one lines totally are not the duke nukem ones. definitely not. (i beg ye, forgive the sarcasm). The game is a top down Aesthetics much like diablo 3, and tries to emulate the same feel and combat. Sadly for bombshell, it fails.

The Fighting is boring with very limited weapons that range from Bland to Expected (machine gun, mini-gun, shotgun, rocket launcher... you get the idea) and all of this is dukes , er.. shellies special prosthetic arm that is also an AI and turns in to a turret, because the arm is alien tech. the duke nukem cheese story really doesn't hold up in this title, with painfully repetitive one lines and even more painfully bad dialogue & story progression.

The combat is bland, sure shooting and executing enemies is great fun, but sadly the half dozen executions of an equally small number of enemies do bring you to sleep a few hours in.... and the first boss is about 4 hours in. This means digging though "okay-ish" and repetitive mobs to the first actually challenging fight. While you CAN level your character, the customization is extremity limited boiling down to HP, Shield, Special power as well as a few weapon upgrades (damage + alt fire mode). Also the AI is dummer than a brick and bugs out quite handidly as well. with going non responsive, jumping of ledges and even shooting the wrong direction.

There are no actual drops in the game outside of money (used to upgrade your weapon) and ammo. which drops like candy on Halloween. And there is no physical customization in any way you can control.

As far as being like diablo, it's exactly that - except for all the things that make diabo fun.

Moving on to performance: the game does perform pretty well, with frame-rates in the high 80-90, except when the game decides to magically drop it down to 20 for no apparent reason.

Sound is probably the games best aspect and is pretty well done, but it doesn't make the rest of the game any better. If you're REALLY Desperate for a shooty-runny-action-adventure game... Get diablo or torchlight for better experience.

Outside of acceptable PC settings & performance, the game-play just doesn't deliver at all.
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Frederik Schreiber  [developer] Mar 1, 2016 @ 5:18am 
Hi Temko!

Thank you for the review and the comments.

As you might know, after the Bombshell release we've been doing extensive analysis of all reviews and comments from the Steam community.

We're close to being done with 1.1, which will address a host of issue we've found that you've fed back on. New features, complete overhauls of certain gameplay mechanics, etc. It also includes a Free DLC included called "Shellshock Missions".

I'd like you to give it a go, and let us know what you think:

1. Right Click on "Bombshell" in your Steam Library.
2. Select "Properties"
3. Select the "BETAs" tab.
4. Enter the code: EnablePublicBeta
5. Select the Beta in the drop down menu.

Hopefully it can convince you to give the game a thumbs up :)

Reviews matter a lot to us. Even the negative ones, as the constructive ones show us what we need to do in order to improve.

Complete changelog can be found here:
Andrew Feb 2, 2016 @ 7:04pm 
"it's VERY obvious this game was re-branded after the 2011 court case where they no longer had the duke Nukem license"

Temko Feb 1, 2016 @ 1:28am 
And my thanks be to you for giving us the chance to review your title.
It's always hard to take criticism for something that you've worked on for years, so i applaud your attitude!

I do play a lot of RPGs, but i also play a lot of shooters & Adventure games, and i think i can boil down my main gripes with the game as that the combat is "okay-ish" and everything else except sound is pretty subpar.

If the game adds more weapon variety / mob variety and improves the Ai & Camera, i think it would be a fun game, with or without the diablo-loot-a-thon.

And i look forward to new titles from you folks!
JD_2020 Jan 31, 2016 @ 6:45pm 
I want to start by thanking you for checking out Bombshell. Sorry it wasn't exactly what you were expecting.

It sounds like you probably play a lot of RPG's from reading where your criticisms mostly lie. If we had a choice, we wouldn't even use the RPG tag on Steam (those are user-defined though, Steam won't let us delete them from the admin panel). We never intended these to be an RPG-heavy systems. In fact, when talking about it, we tried to make it clear what these systems were limited to.

They were meant to be seen more as "extras" to what's otherwise an action-shooter.

Hopefully you dive a little deeper into Bombshell's NG+ and find enough entertainment to recommend the product at its humble price. If not, we'll get you on the next entry in the Bombshell universe!

Best wishes.