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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 30.7 hrs on record
Posted: Apr 9, 2014 @ 12:15am

This game is a point & click, mystery solving game. Was not sure i was really going to enjoy it, but quickly found myself liking the game.

The voice acting is pretty good. I really liked the characters, especially the main one, which is pretty important in a game.The game is styled like a comic

I found myself getting stumped A LOT. Almost felt like I had to actually be an FBI agent to crack the case. lol. The game does no hold your hand, and what you should do next is not always obvious. The game has a tip system, but it lets those who want to figure things out on their own, do so. The cases are pretty lengthy, more so if you get stuck a lot, like me. The story has small alternate paths. They don't change the story too much, but it's nice to have the small alternate choices

Small negative is that sometimes you have to travel back and forth to the same spots several times in a row, and it gets a bit annoying. Like in the first episode I recall having to go to the antique store, then back to the station, then back to the antique store, then back to the station again.

This game definitely might be flying under a lot of people's radar. I feel it deservers a bit more reCOGNITION.
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metafish Oct 18, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
7 years later, I see what you did there.