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Publicada el 30 JUL 2014 a las 18:47
Actualizada el 30 JUL 2014 a las 18:49
Producto recibido de forma gratuita

I've really enjoyed this game since launch, it's exactly the type of game I was looking for, I love the artwork, animations, I love how the combat is skill based, you have flashy skills and combos in PvP, fun and interesting dungeons for PvE, and the boss fights are very enjoyable, you have 6 character slots right away, for a F2P game, does that even happen anymore?

You're able to find costume sets for your character while you dungeon, while you fish, you can trade them with other players, so your character isn't stuck looking ugly for the entire game, until you pay the game developers $ like in some other games.

To address the negative reviews quickly, before today there was a fairly strict limit on how many times you could run dungeons per character each day, that limit has since been doubled, with the new stress/fatigue system you're able to run dungeons for 4-5+ hours a day per character, so it's extremely reasonable now, you also have daily quests and different ways to to reduce your stress limit.

Also just to add before ending my review here, the devs actually seem to care about the game, and what the community thinks, there's been countless bug fixes and suggestions that they've already added into the game, and it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet. They've all been watching the forums obviously very closely and seeing what everybody thinks about the game. +1 For that.

This game is definitely worth trying out, it's free to play so you have nothing to lose. Cya in-game! :)
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9 comentarios
OhhPaigey 27 ENE 2015 a las 16:21 
Yep, looking forward to it. :_)
Fronication 27 ENE 2015 a las 16:20 
This march DFO is coming back! if you liked this, then you will absolutely love DFO
OhhPaigey 17 OCT 2014 a las 12:19 
I wish I could make games, I'd have a great paying job if that were the case lol.
DapprDanMan 17 OCT 2014 a las 12:12 
This review was clearly written by someone who makes the game. Come on, read EVERY OTHER REVIEW
OhhPaigey 23 SEP 2014 a las 16:27 
Sorry that you feel that way.
Spider 23 SEP 2014 a las 14:19 
Based on what I've read on steam, and across internet, this game is fraudulent, and should be removed from the internet promptly.
OhhPaigey 3 SEP 2014 a las 11:01 
It isn't US Nexon most people know, it's a company called GameHi and they recently changed their name to NexonGT. So, sure Nexon influences them, but they seem like a genuine company atm.
Even in your multiplayer! 3 SEP 2014 a las 7:08 
I will say, if the developers cared about the game, they wouldn't let Nexon publish it. THough I guess it's worth trying now if they doubled the play limit.
Slasheree 31 JUL 2014 a las 9:42 
dork :P