Hoshino Takanashi
The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline. —Finite.
It is the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
This can be said to be God's final warning to those who resist.
Momenteel offline
ardal aep dahy 26 jun 2022 om 14:46 
is smart
Vox Yeno 11 mrt 2020 om 7:18 
:kolyazagreen: Genuinely nice :2019clover: and great killing floor teacher :kolyazared:
Vox Yeno 9 mrt 2020 om 22:17 
Very friendly and generous :kolyazagreen:
Paxton 10 mrt 2018 om 6:37 
NASA AGENTS Always with you !
Edging Enthusiast 5 jul 2017 om 12:23 
+rep , good m8
Filthma 25 jun 2017 om 18:01 
Unfriending ya, sorry my dude. :2016villain:
Just wanted to say thanks for hanging out with me from time to time and being on my friend list since I was thirteen or somethin'.
Also Danganronpa is best meme. GG.