16 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.3 hrs on record
Posted: Nov 4, 2014 @ 9:24am
Updated: Jan 18, 2015 @ 3:07pm

Angvik is quite the annoying little platformer. Other reviewers compare it to Dark Souls because it's so difficult, but it's honestly nothing like Dark Souls at all. It's really just an unforgiving platform game where you have to get through the whole game without dying. Enemies drop items which you can pick up (or your bird friend picks up) and they either A) add 1 HP for you, or b) give you a weapon. If you're fully armed then the bird puts it in it's napsack and rearms you when you lose your items. It's kind of cool, but really frustrating as your first encounters with stuff will probably lead to your death, in which case you go all the way back to start 100% of the time. From what I understand there are no save points in this game at all. I've made it 8-9 screens through the game after 20 minutes. So yeah, kind of neat, it's only $3, but why so freaking hard for no reason other than to be the frustratingly kind of difficult? Instead of the challenging kind of difficult like Dark Souls is. Meh, not really for me.
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