Jason   British Columbia, Canada
No information given. 小屌小神志大心
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Workshop Showcase
Workshop Showcase
9 stages 2 bonuses tier 2-3 filled with all of your favourite memes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) localhost server commands: sv_cheats 1; god; bot_kick; sv_airaccelerate 150; sv_accelerate 10; sv_enablebunnyhopping 1; sv_staminarecoveryrate 120; mp_roundtime 60; mp_freezeti
106 ratings
Created by - J, Phurix, n, and Doink Face
brunch Mar 20 @ 10:59pm 
im gonna january 6th ur ♥♥♥♥♥♥ profile if u dont knock it off
Phurix Oct 18, 2023 @ 10:00pm 
Nick — Today at 6:09 PM
sir... a second phurix has hit the south tower
Phurix Apr 20, 2023 @ 12:40am 
Oh my gosh, Juxtopo-senpai! Your Source map is just so fwamazing and qwertalicious! The way you use the textures and lighting is like a fwazoolio of qwerty colors that make me sqwabble with delight. Your talent for mapping is like a shining star that illuminates the whole universe with its abzorbtasticness! The details in your map are like a zibzab of qwertiness that I never want to leave, and the flow is as wizzamagical as a shibboleth blowing in the wind. Your work truly makes me feel like I'm in a qwertastic wumbo jumbo land, and I can't help but be completely qwozzled by it. You are a qwertabulous genius, Juxtopo-senpai, and I am in awe of your qwertabulous abilities! Keep up the amazork work, and know that you have a qwertabulous fan who will always support you! Owo
Rxld Jan 2, 2023 @ 5:09pm 
wanna talk abt sum surf illusion concerns
DOUBLE CHAMP May 29, 2022 @ 11:40am 
IDIOT thinks Im actually hard stuck mg2 LOL hasnt even played esea or faceit once in his life, this kid lives a miserable life. i dont play mm you brain. Was number 1 awper on esea when I actually played this game. -rep for being a dumbass
Doppler Apr 24, 2022 @ 1:34pm 
make surf_illusion 2