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Publicada: 5 fev. 2018 às 12:34

TLDR: Trash, do not buy

Full review:

So, I got this game in a bundle that I bought for a couple of other games. I like retro video games and pixel art, and this certainly seemed like it might possibly be a servicable Space Invaders clone, so instead of gifting it, I thought "well, let's just register it and play it...it's probably decent, right?"

Nope. There is barely enough content available in this thing to call it a game. Yes, it plays vaguely like Space Invaders, and the devs certainly ripped off the graphics directly from that game and other clones, but that's where the similarity ends.

Your "ship" shoots its bullets out of the right-hand side for no apparent reason. Your ship is also very fat (it looks not dissimilar to the "hard mode" [difficulty switch position "B"] ship on the old Atari 2600 Space Invaders), a choice I assume was made because it was the only way to introduce some level of challenge into this way-too-horrendously-easy game. Seriously, a five-year-old could pick this up and beat the entire thing within minutes...

...which I did. Yep, there are only 10 levels and I blasted through all of them in under three minutes. Oh, and there is an achievement per level, an achievement for each new alien type that you destroy (there are only four), as well as an achievement for merely starting the game. That's right, in less than three minutes, I had completed all levels and popped all 15 achievements in the game, and was met with scrolling credits. That's it? Really?

There is a survival mode, which I tried once, but again it's way too easy and I ended up just killing myself on purpose. BTW, when you die in survival mode, you don't even get to see what your score was, as it immediately starts a new game with zero fanfare.

Also, there is no high score list kept (which negates any reason to come back and play survival mode), and there is no ability to re-bind keys (not that it's much of an issue for this game).

This is absolute trash that resembles a "my first GameMaker project" and whose only reason for existance is for achievement hunters and game completionists to get a really quick and easy bump to their stats. Anyone else should skip this game for sure.

Oh, and fun fact: I had already uninstalled this game, but had to reinstall it and idle it for a while to have enough time in the game to be allowed to write a review. Aargh.
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