11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
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Publisert: 1. nov. 2017 kl. 12.34
Oppdatert: 1. nov. 2017 kl. 12.37

I totally did not play this for the easy 100% achievements.

Oh wait, yes I did. Because that it the only way I could have tolerated this abysmal game for more than 90 seconds.

I received Ablepsia in a bundle, and registered it because I thought, "seriously, how bad can it be?" Well, really, really bad. Like Michael Jackson's "Bad" bad. Like Huey Lewis' "Sometimes Bad is Bad" bad. Just bad all around.

The controls are horrendous, leaving your left hand stretched across the space bar and shift key while your right hand works the mouse. The keys are not remappable. Clicking or tapping on objects is inaccurate while the screen scrolls. Your hands hate you during every second of gameplay.

And speaking of gameplay...well, there practically is none. Nothing really changes throughout the game -- you just get more obstacles to clear as you go up levels. But the strategy to win is simply to stop your blind guy with the space bar, clear everythig on the screen, walk up close to the next set of spikes, stay put until your boost is full, sprint past the spikes...and rinse and repeat to the end of the level. The person that greets you at the end of each level (city) says the exact same thing every time. It's a yawnfest from beginning to end.

There is nothing graphically that makes one city different than another (other than some snow on the very last level), nor anything visually interesting going on, well, ever.

What's sad is that there is a kernel of an interesting concept here: a blind guy as a hero who, in a world of darkness, essentially has super powers. Just think of all of the cool things that the devs could have done here -- but didn't.

I can't blame them for a card-based cash grab, since the game doesn't drop any cards. But even at less than a buck in US dollars, I can't imagine anyone ever paying money for this thing. I wrote more interesting games in BASIC in the 80s as a little kid.

Long story short, you should avoid this game. The only reason you should register and play it is if you get it in a bundle and decide to tolerate playing this thing for 30 minutes to get the easy 100% completion and add up a few more easy cheevos.

File under: complete achievements, uninstall, and hide in library
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3 kommentarer
Grez 4. juni 2019 kl. 22.37 
@Vio - yes, I believe that your stats remain the same, and the achievement badges are still available for use.
Vio 4. juni 2019 kl. 11.22 
If you hide a game after getting 100% to the cheevs still show on your profile/games completed area ?
XJ9 10. feb. 2018 kl. 3.34 
Nice work :)