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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Collection by Robzilla
Mods that will only somewhat alter vanilla gameplay in such a way that will not break the game. Known Incompatibilities. ------------------------------------ Chooseable AWC Perks - Shares same class 'UIArmory_Promotion' with Show All Perks
Additional Content
Collection by Robzilla
Mods that add additional content to the game without adversely affecting vanilla gameplay.
XCOM 2 Collection of Collections
Collection by Robzilla
A collection of the collections I've collected so I can share the collection with others so they can collection these collections. Absurd? You bet! Current Collections ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XCOM Barbie
Collection by Robzilla
I think the title of the collection is pretty much the description. A collection of mods aimed solely at the customization of XCOM soldiers in the barracks. DISCLAIMER: Mods may(and will) break games. Not held responsible yadda yadda yadda blah blah you al
Quality of Life
Collection by Robzilla
These are essential mods that I believe to improve the functionality of the game without impacting Vanilla XCOM 2 gameplay. KNOWN INCOMPATIBILITIES --------------------------------------- Show All Perks - Shares same class 'UIArmory_Promotion' with Choosea
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