4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.5 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 14, 2016 @ 10:32am
Updated: Feb 14, 2016 @ 10:48am

This is a game full of nice ideas and features a great little story delivered through clever platform and puzzle mechanics. Contrast also has a beautifully crafted film noir style 1920s world which is beyond beautiful and the soundtrack simply fits perfectly with the game and setting. The music captures 1920s cabart jazz and includes original tracks from Laura Ellis. Indeed checking out Cissie Redgwicks - Gimme That Swing (was used in the game trailer) is worth you time.

The story features a little girl called Didi and you play the role of her dimesion hopping imaginery friend called Dawn. However as Dawn you can only see the shadows and voices of the people Didi interacts with. But you will also see an adult world through the eyes of Didi as she tries to understand grown-up problems and tries desperately to get her parents back together. You will need to slip in and out of the shadows to complete objectives and you will often find the need to move light sources such as stage lamps or three-dimensional objects to cast the shadows, which Dawn can then navigate in 2D and progress with Didi. Controls are simple and intuitive and dying does not impose any penalties, (I played with 360 controller) experimentation is encouraged.

Definately worth the asking price. Now go buy it.
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