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Indsendt: 9. apr. 2014 kl. 23:24

My first in the Nancy Drew series. Played this and became hooked on all of them since. :) I love the characters, the puzzles, the scenery-- everything! Challenging at times (Google a walkthrough if need be) but a great play for casual gamers who love a good mystery!
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1 kommentarer
MayukiPink 6. aug. 2022 kl. 22:27 
OMG same! I first played it on the Wii. I was a stubborn goose who vowed to hate Nancy Drew for some unknown reason, but my mom grew up obsessed with horses and Nancy Drew so she started playing the game for me, though I think it was more she was mad she found the only wolf themed Wii game at the time because that's what I asked for and I refused to play it. Long story short, an hour later i took over and have been a fan of all things Nancy Drew since. though I'm still mad to this day 15 years later she won't let me drive a snowmobile because I could never do it in the game without her taking over on the stupid Wii. On the plus side of that it became a running joke among me and my siblings that when one of us can't steer a vehicle in a game we will say this is why they aren't allowed to use a snowmobile either.