Patrick Brandl   Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
my Name is Fuexline which means pronounced Füchslein and that is the cute form of fox. the idea cames once when im programming and had a special line of code i called the fox line so my nick has two meanings ;)

Im 30 Years old and allthough i have many games in my lib i only like the more classical Games Unreal Tournament etc, its hard to stick with a newer game to me but if its good i can handle it.

i Have an Oculus Rift VR Set and love it using it for a fruit ninja workout in the morning xd

im a Furry - not the kind of yiffed ones xxx is not my goal being a furry means for me to escape the real world into a world which makes me happy, i dont know why people are mad on furries maybe they hate cosplayers too but i live my life like i want and if some people think the can hate me then they can do it i nevermind on that. mostly these people are the kind of lower IQ playing survival games the whole day.

╚╝╚══╩╝╚╝ ╚╝

my Hobbies are programming, IT Services, Photography, i would say about myself im a creative person, but i cant draw - shame on me i love canines like wolves foxes etc. and i can say about me im a loyal friend
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Working on a Game

The Story is simple: An evil Dictator collects all Foxes he can get to kill them and extract their magical power called foxfire to power his huge new weapon to rule the giant city of urbia. Flynn the main protagonist is with his family in the dark aztect woods when suddenly the dictators army atacks the forrest and capture flyns family - flyn gets help by a ghost fox who will give him new abilities and tipps and so the journey starts to rescue flyns family and stop the dictators plans
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