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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 6.7 hrs on record
Posted: Jan 8, 2016 @ 1:56pm
Updated: Jan 4, 2021 @ 8:53am

This key was obtained from the publisher for the purposes of review.

Some simulation games while nice at first, can get rather easy in the long run....but not Punch Club. And that's a good thing. Great balance with the different mechanics available leads to an actual challenge, as the wrong moves will set you back significantly and you won't make promise. While at times this will lead to frustration, there's a bunch of different strategies that you will have to implement based on the current situation, and there was an actual smart decision made by the developers here to be not directly involved in the fight. It puts the emphasis on the training elements of the game, but still allows you strategy by selecting the appropriate skills that you will need to counteract your opponents strengths, or maybe complement your own. Most of the problems that the game in the simulator genre are more on the minor side, with the aesthetic (while alright) isn't exactly the greatest, I'd rather have keyboard controls implemented with some of the menus, just to make things easier. But in the end, it's a great simulator game that I enjoyed my time with, with multiple reasons to come back to it.

Video Review: https://youtu.be/nBAxHTwm37g

  • A Difficult but still fair simulator that actually punishes you for not taking advantage of the situations, and makes it so that you may not make progress at times. Forces the player to actually sit down and look at every option available to them.
  • Strong strategy elements in the combat element because of the lack of direct control by the player. Forces smart decision making and taking advantage of what's in front of you. Like the imiplementation of stamina and what it means if you don't have any left.
  • Skill Tree has significant choices that actually mean something, more then just the 3 major stats. Each skill have sub elements to it means you can specialize even further, like being an aggressive boxer that goes for stamina.
  • Good Design on the temporary boosts so that you had to earn them, but when you did, they actually meant something.
  • Good balance between the different aspects of work/training/etc. Couldn't rush one, had to do them all.
  • Liked the TMNT reference. Even if it was corny.

  • At times, do wish there was at least a hint of what you were getting into, as in some cases, you'd get your ass kicked because you did something way before you should of.
  • Small annoyance with not knowing exactly what I need to complete missions or how close I am at times, wondering if I'm putting effort in that is ultimately pointless.
  • There's a small pause at times after selecting something, and sometimes the hourglass sticks around even though I can click on something.
  • Keyboard shortcuts. Would have loved them. Options in general seem to be lacking.
  • Battle animations will get repetitive. Would have loved a way to speed up the action during them.
  • STOP ROBBING ME RIGHT BEFORE A BIG PURCHASE. This really just annoyed me. How does he know how much money I have on hand at all times?

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