10 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 65.9 hrs on record (61.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Aug 23, 2016 @ 6:07am

The Short of it:
This game has been abandoned, wait till a sale brings its price down if you want to try it.

The long of it:

Unfortunatly I can't recomend this game. I bought it when it was still young and worthwhile, full of proimise and hope, sadly it has been abandoned.
Don't get me wrong here, I love the concept, I love the style and I love how the game works, but its unfinished, buggy and in need of some serious love. Perhaps the developers would be willing to part with it and hand it to someone who would be better suited to... finishing it off with all the features that I recall seeing on a roadmap... somewhere a long time ago....
If theres anything I can say about the game its that its gotten buggier since I stopped playing it, perhaps thats just the age of my computer finally showing, but I don't think so.
Its still quite challanging in and of itself, but like most of my towns end up, it is very unfinished, "Hero" mode and one other mode not implimented, and a lot of things requiring some much needed... laquer.

If you are looking for a game that will play similarly to this one but has a more finished feel try Gnomoria or Banished. Hell even the currently WIP Hearthstone has a more finished and complete feel!

Keep an open mind that games are always subject to change, and that, if this game is lucky, it will be worked on again.
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