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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 37.5 hrs on record (23.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 17, 2016 @ 9:30pm
Updated: Apr 17, 2019 @ 9:24pm

Apr 2019 Update: EC is currently averaging about 75 players online. That is not good for what was originally billed as a massive online shooter. It gives me little satisfaction to tell all the haters that "I told you so" because I actually wanted this game to succeed.

F2P Update: If you're interested in trying the game, it's now F2P with some limitations. I recommend before making an impulse purchase you really try the game out. Don't just play it once and say, "Looks neat!" and then drop 40 bucks on it. As a sidenote, AFAIK Chaos and Eldar make up the majority of the premium playerbase at the moment. This may change over time but if you pick SM or Ork now, you may find yourself out-classed quite often.

To preface, I've had issues with being being logged into the game, but not showing in Steam and properly logging the playtime.[i.imgur.com] There's a screenshot showing me in-game and it not registering on Steam. Regardless of whether I've played 1 hour or 1000 hours, the criticisms still stand and many of them even the developers themselves have admitted to.

I'm not a mindless hater. I want this game to succeed and I would like to recommend it but until this game matches what they're currently advertising, then I can't recommend it. Note: As soon as the game launch, they changed the store page advertisements that they stated the game would have "at launch" to a vague description. (Scroll down for proof)

What the devs (bE) promised YEARS AGO...and what they have currently delivered long past the dates they promised to deliver them are two vastly different things. It was originally announced this game would launch in 2015, not only on PC but console too...in 2015! 2015 came and went.

What's important to also note is that this 2015 release date for PC and consoles was announced by the developer BEFORE Bandai-Namco signed on as publisher so they were not "forced" to announce that original release date.

The original refund policy, which stated refunds would be given if the game was not delivered as promised *when* it was promised is still on the game's website was worded to basically make it impossible to be eligible for said refund, because it also stated they could change the release date and those promises. (TOS, A. Preorders, Bullet 3)[www.eternalcrusade.com]

I'm not saying they didn't offer any refunds whatsoever (not counting Steam's refund policy) but they didn't make it easy. According to the official website, "To cancel a purchase, you must notify BHVR in writing..." And for those people who stuck it out and waited for it to get better as the devs promised, they missed out on the limited window to get those promised refunds.

Now, I've been told by other players that all of the original promises the dev team made don't actually count because those were different guys! Okay...well here is what they were advertising and promising on the store page leading up to the official launch and at the launch:

"4 factions, 5 subfactions & warlords, 5 classes, 1000s of weapons, character advancement and personalization, 1000s of armor augmentations and customization combinations, 100s of items & ammo upgrades, persistent world map (including player driven campaigns, territorial conquest, player objectives, clans & warparties), PVP (3 modes, Domination, Tug of War, Fortress), PVE (3 modes, Purge, Defend, Deliver), 3 vehicle classes, veterans, heroes & elites and...free expansions."

After the game officially launched, they removed the original infographic (click here to view)[i.imgur.com] with their new promises and replaced it with one that is extremely vague and pretty much promises nothing. It would have been one thing if that is what they had *been* advertising but they have been selling the game based on those claims and then as soon as the game "launched" they changed it to just a vague mention of PVE/PVP and some stuff. Some people might perceive this as dishonest.

That was last year. They still haven't delivered on all of the promises they made last year.

There are many other problems, not just the ones I've noted. But here's one I'll let you decide on. They sell custom weapons and armor in the cash shop (yes, it has a cash shop already) for 5,000 RTC, 10,000 RTC or more. They sell 4000RTC for $5, 9000RTC for $10, 21,000RTC for $20.
You can't buy a 5k RTC item unless you buy the $10 package. You can't buy a 10k RTC item unless you buy the $20 package. Some people might consider this a bit shady.

When the actual game matches with what they are currently promising and advertising on the store page that it will have "at launch" (which is Sep. 23, 2016), isn't riddled with bugs (obviously there will be some bugs) and is at least half-decently optimized to the point where users with high end systems, high-end GPUs (Titans), i7s and 16gb of ram aren't complaining about stutters and FPS problems...THEN I would recommend purchasing this game.

I will continue to wait for this game to be the game it promised to be. I want this game to be what you promise it will be. I will gladly change my review and write, "You had a (really) rough start but you turned it around." But first...you have to actually do that.
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BossGalaga Apr 17, 2019 @ 9:26pm 
Apr 2019 Update: EC is currently averaging about 75 players online. That is not good for what was originally billed as a massive online shooter. It gives me little satisfaction to tell all the haters that "I told you so" because I actually wanted this game to succeed. It has not. There's no point in repeating what myself and others have been saying for years. Good intentions cannot make a game succeed. For those people who have told me and others that it was our duty to all play this game so that it succeeded, no, it wasn't. It was BE's duty to make a game that people wanted to play.
BossGalaga Sep 22, 2016 @ 11:03am 
Many "parts" of these features and systems are in place, but not the full extent of what they promised they would include. Certainly not the "1000s" of weapons/armor/item customizations that they are advertising on the store page currently along with many other unfinished or as of yet nonfunctional features.
GeorgeTheGreat Sep 22, 2016 @ 10:41am 
Good point so far tho I see a 60USD quality for Launch.
Its good to always push for more and better.
a good game desighner wants like 22-38+USD an hour.
The desighn while nailed earlier is quality.
The balance is pretty good at this point.
Clan system is in.
Wargear is in.
Match rewards are in.
Customization is in and pretty nice.
Maps quality and number decent compared to other games but I would like to see more.
Progression is really good.
Optimization is super good in my opinnion UE4 is a piece of shit but its on this dev team has made shine and from what I know they can get it working even better.
Vehicles are quality and theres enough to fill the needed roles.
What I want to see more of the most is Optimization because UE4 is shit, More customization options, and Vehicle movement feels like boats floating in an ocean.

So far the Largest performance impact in the game is a Player in another Players game.
BossGalaga Sep 22, 2016 @ 10:30am 
@GeorgeTheGreat I'll be checking the game out at launch but to be honest, it probably wouldn't even be fair to re-review it for another week or two at least because the launch is probably gonna be borked, their will be bugs, there are still LOTS of optimization issues even for people with high-end PCs that exceed the recommended requirements and the servers will probably be completely donked.

Also, the UAT version is still under NDA so game reviews shouldn't be based on the UAT but on the live version instead.
GeorgeTheGreat Sep 22, 2016 @ 9:36am 
Ive been on the UAT for quite awhile and they have added so much.
Would you consider re-reviewing the game today since launch is tomarrow.
BossGalaga Sep 21, 2016 @ 10:02am 
@Kharn: Hey, thanks for the personal attacks. If you don't anything to say about my criticisms of the game, things which the developers themselves have admitted to, then you might as well attack me.

Half of the stuff I mentioned is BS? I quoted word for word what is being advertised on the store page RIGHT NOW as the features the game will have "AT LAUNCH."

Of course, it's "not worth arguing" because you can't.
Kharos Sep 21, 2016 @ 9:51am 
Yet another person who cannot understand the difference between Plans and Promises/advertisements. And half those things you mentioned are plain BS, like the release date, which is controled by publishers, just proves you're some desperate troll, don't even have proof of your "playtime", pssh... not worth arguing with you.
BossGalaga Sep 21, 2016 @ 9:50am 
Also, the store page STILL advertises that "at launch" the game will feature:

"4 factions, 5 subfactions & warlords, 5 classes, 1000s of weapons, character advancement and personalization, 1000s of armor augmentations and customization combinations, 100s of items & ammo upgrades, persistent world map (including player driven campaigns, territorial conquest, player objectives, clans & warparties), PVP (3 modes), PVE (3 modes), 3 vehicle classes, veterans, heroes & elites and...free expansions."

These are the current promises, not even talking about the past promised features that were pulled.

The game launches in two days. There is a bit of disparity between that ^^ and what I'm currently seeing. Two days.
BossGalaga Sep 21, 2016 @ 9:49am 
@Redthirst: I was actually running it from a desktop shortcut for the longest time when the founders access was released but you're correct, it was still through Steam so my bad. However, I have had a recurring issue, where Steam doesn't correctly show or log my hours from the game. [i.imgur.com] I've been playing the game for the past hour and it has showed my Steam status as "Currently Online" but not in-game and not logging the time played. I could provide further proof of that as well.

You can nitpick at that if you want but regardless bE has missed advertised release dates for both PC and console and removed numerous promised features. They even sold upgrade packs that were directly marketed to F2P players and advertised as a way to upgrade the F2P experience...and then they removed the F2P feature. If you only bought one of those packs...you can't play the game, not now and not at launch.
Laerin Sep 21, 2016 @ 7:41am 
"1. I am a first wave founder and I logged in a hefty amount of time on the standalone client before playing it on Steam. The standalone client was released first."

Um, what? The Founder's Access was on Steam from the very beginning. It didn't have a Store Page or a Community Hub, but it was still on Steam and it logged your playtime.