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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 18.8 hrs on record (18.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 10, 2016 @ 2:38pm

Early Access Review
The best unfinshed game ever.

The combat in this game is some of the best combat i've had ever played. I would even say the abssolute best combat i ever played. It is responsive and fluid and makes dark souls pvp seem a little less exciting now than before. The magic in this games mixes up combat in such fun ways.

unfortunately, no one plays this game. The servers are rarly up.

The developer has not abandoned it though. It seems like he is 1 guy or a small team converting everything to a new engine. However updates on what is happening you have to go check on the facebook for this game and these updates on what is happening with this game are rare.

Simply put i enjoyed this game and if the servers are actually up and you have someone to play with, this game is actually somewhat worth the price. The pvp combat is to much fun. At the very least keep your eye on it and wait for an update because I personally feel if a big studio did something like what this guy/team created or had the funds for a bigger team they would be rolling a doe.
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