2 kwietnia 2014
Wszystkie dyskusje > General Forums > Szczegóły wątku
Marfiuss 4 kwietnia 2014 o 2:30
Apply for the whitelisted server: (for passwd connect to ts/chat)
please tell us something about yourself.

-Ingame Name (and surname, exact.)
-RP motivation (What is RP for you,and what will your characters personality be like,friendly hostile,crazy, cannibal.. ..Characters can grow in to the game but to have some indications is helpfull. )
-RP experience, what previous games have you rp'd in ?
-Real life Age. (if younger then 16 i will judge if your fit or not to join.)
-hours you will play (this is to calculate how many people i need to whitelist for the server to be active most of the time. )
-if you are applying to the pvp server leave "RP motivation" blank


Ostatnio edytowany przez: Marfiuss; 1 maja 2014 o 6:12
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 92 komentarzy
Adriel 5 kwietnia 2014 o 9:33 
Im guessing I just apply here.
-In game name: Michael Harvey
-RP Motivation: Having fun with people and just enjoying a good RP experience. My characters personality will be a little bit short tempered and a little too trusting of people. Willing to do anything for his friends or his survival
-RP experience: This is my first time RP'ing in a video game. Im sorry :(
-Real life age: 16
-Timezone: Central
-Hours I will play: should be as much as I can. I do have school so theres that
「Cardinal」 6 kwietnia 2014 o 1:56 
-in game name: Shane Martin
-RP motivation: roleplaying is one of my favourite activities on games i also love having groups/ allies to friend with. my character can be short tempered but he is strong and VERY judemental
-rp experience i like to rp in games like minecraft but it is not the first time on project zomboid i have rped.
- Real Life age: 13 (sad to say 13 as that will probably shorten my chances a little bit)
-Timezone: central
-Hours I will play: anytime i can! after school (which is around 3pm) to about 6-8pm on most days but weekends i got all day

i really hope i can get in as i have had alot of fun on this server recently and i have made a group

well, hope i can get in. byee!
snakesoul 6 kwietnia 2014 o 5:17 
-in game name: Paco Garcia
-RP motivation: I enjoy RP because it takes videogames to another level
-rp experience: neverwinters, lineage 2, minecraft, roguelikes...
- Real Life age: 21
-Timezone: central
-Hours I will play: 2-3hours/day, after lunch.
DangerFace 6 kwietnia 2014 o 7:14 
-Role playing for me is adopting a semi-serious attitude in a fantastical world. I enjoy lasting relationships, innovation, and creating a story that can be told.
-Tibia, D & D, Rune Scape, Fallout Online.
-Real life Age: 23
-2 or 3 daily
Ostatnio edytowany przez: DangerFace; 6 kwietnia 2014 o 10:44
Kit 6 kwietnia 2014 o 12:24 
-Ingame Name Jaye Kaider
-RP motivation Freindly most the time, loyal to herself and close friends. I play rps because i like getting into character and creating a story.
-RP experience Ive done rping on other games, but only a little on pz
-Real life Age. 13
-Timezone. central
-hours you will play Week days about 6:00 to 21:00pm Weekends 6-9 or all day depending
beykelas 8 kwietnia 2014 o 2:27 
Alex Brik (I prefer this spelling without 'c' on the new server)

Cold rational. Radical individualist. Anti-humanist. Anti-consumerist. Enthusiastic about the world's end. Over-intoxicates himself with alcohol sometimes.


RP for me is just more fun than straight following of game mechanics, an opportunity to be creative and have more drama (storytelling-wise, not internet-wise; the latter won't hurt though).

I am around 25, give or take. Timezone is UTC+4. No regular hours of play.

Roleplayed in Haven and Hearth, C&C Alliances, Starbound.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: beykelas; 8 kwietnia 2014 o 2:54
Sorania 10 kwietnia 2014 o 10:10 
- Ingame Name: Sorania Jericho
young, naive, emotional, unteachable. A looser-kid, who tries to survive...

- RP-Motivation: Like others said, creating a story with others is a great experience and a lot of fun.
- RP-Experience: Uh.. over 16 years now. First Pen & Paper (Shadowrun, VtM, Cthulluh, etc.), LARP to PC-Games (Ultima online most of the time, but other MMO's too.)
- Real-Life-Age: 31
- Timezone: GMT +1
- Hours: Uhm... difficult to say with family, but a few hours a week are possible. :-)
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Sorania; 20 kwietnia 2014 o 15:07
Ridickulo 11 kwietnia 2014 o 10:08 
-Ingame Name: Ridickulo

-RP motivation:
Loner, isolated and anti-social. Will help others but wants no help or company. Very keen not to get involved in conflict against fellow humans, prefering to stay in the shadows. Passionate about Zed combat, always working on perfecting his axe technique.

-RP experience: Most MMOs but mostly EVE-Online
-Real life Age: 39
-Timezone: GMT-1
-hours you will play: Only play at work so will be active from 8 am to 6 pm.
Dais 11 kwietnia 2014 o 10:23 
-Ingame Name: Dice
cooperatively, perfectionist, opportunity drinker, short tempered
-RP motivation: having fun with you guys :D finding a group, building our safehouses, taking care of eachother (more or less :D)
-RP experience: got no real RP experience :/ could say this would be my first game.
-Real life Age: 17
-Timezone: CET
-every week a couple of hours (maybe every day) depends on how much freetime i got.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Dais; 12 kwietnia 2014 o 0:56
Homer 12 kwietnia 2014 o 13:36 
- Tweek(y) Herderson
- Friendly farmer, with experience in construction, does not like zombies at all, is very investigative but cautious; Was born in a city; want to find out more?
- almost no rp exp
- 24
- +1 GMT
- hours you will play -- depends on my available time cant say

I am excited!
Ratwurst 13 kwietnia 2014 o 1:24 
-Willy Stuckley (User: Lemony)
- Roleplay, to me, is in-depth storytelling. Willy was, at the time the outbreak occurred, an alcoholic. Struggling with his desire and his newfound predicament, he roams, never staying for too long. He's distrustful and has adopted an ethos of newfound morals... ones that, had zombies not been around, been frowned upon.
- World of Warcraft, Starbound, most MMORPGs.
- 22
- GMT +0
- Evenings: 17.00+
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Ratwurst; 13 kwietnia 2014 o 1:24
Desperado 13 kwietnia 2014 o 2:11 
  • RP motivation (What is RP for you,and what will your characters personality be like,friendly hostile,crazy, cannibal.. ..Characters can grow in to the game but to have some indications is helpfull.)

    Hey guys i'm theo.
    I love the movie/serrie the walking dead.
    And that is mine main reason i like RP + Zomboid.
    You can see mine gamestyle more like Daryl.
    Stay on the roads, kill as many zombies as poseble.
    Don't use guns / shotguns only if really necessary.
    Won't kill people on sigh at any time.
    But hell yes i would keep them in sigh whit mine gun drawn.
    (since they still didn't inplent mine crossbow!!! :'( mehhh!!!)
    For people who have not seen the walking dead.
    Daryl is a very loyal person whit big mental problems in the past.
    Daryl is the type of person you don't wanna get problems whit.
    On the otherside is he loyal like a dog aslong you are respectfull to him.

  • Ingame Name (and surname, exact.)

    Desperado070 (same as steam)

  • RP experience, what previous games have you rp'd in ?

    I have played world of warcraft from the beginning.
    If there is any good example of a RP game WoW is the nr1

  • Real life Age. (if younger then 16 i will judge if your fit or not to join.)


  • Timezone.

    GMT +1 (amsterdam)

  • hours you will play (this is to calculate how many people i need to whitelist for the server to be active most of the time. )

    As you know i won't play at the moment. All because the square bug which is making me kill myself. but after that got fixed by the zomboid team. I will be mostlikely online between 13:00 ~ 17:00 in week days. And at weekend 23:00 ~ 03:00 (only at friday and sunday) or if i'm not going out whit friends i will be on at saterday to, Same times.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Desperado; 13 kwietnia 2014 o 2:13
MiguelSaDias 14 kwietnia 2014 o 12:33 
-Ingame Name: Versus
-RP motivation: Love games with RP, love Walking Dead and a lot of Zumbis games
-RP: A lot. LOTRO, Runescape, DayZ, Rust, 7 days to die, etc, ttc
-Real life Age: 38
-Timezone: GMT
-hours you will play: 4-6 hours/day
b00tz 14 kwietnia 2014 o 12:49 
Ingame name: matty
RP motivation: Ive RP'd since the eighties with bits of paper and dice till the present day with computers, i like to develope a character over a long period.
RP: i have a young family to look after but still RP as much as i can, at the moment its zomboid and dayz.
Real life age: 36
14-20 hrs per/week
Zanakain 15 kwietnia 2014 o 5:04 
Ingame name: William Lornsteyn (Username: Lornsteyn)
RP motivation: Its fun to play with others and rp is fun.
I wont shoot anyone without reason (so dont touch my barricades xD)

RP experience: Mount Blade Warband PW Mod, but not long. (too many randomers)
Real life age: 23
Timezone: GMT+1
hour i will play: Depends on how much time i have, but i think often.
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Wszystkie dyskusje > General Forums > Szczegóły wątku