Indie Games Treasure Trove IndieGamesTT
Indie Games Treasure Trove IndieGamesTT
29 Mayıs 2016
United States 
Indie Games Treasure Trove HAKKINDA

Discover great indie games for the low price of nothing!

This is a new group that is centered on an old desire. I know how difficult it is for indie developers. While I'm not one myself, I have heard many horror stories about the great pains they take to make games from their hearts, only for those games to either never see the light of day or give them the funds they need.

These games and developers need exposure, and that's where this group comes in. There are two main concepts right now, as shown below:

1.) Writing reviews on indie games that are worth checking out, buying, and playing.
2.) Advertising greenlight games that look like they have a lot of promise in hopes of them getting the votes they need.


Some clarifications:

*There will be no giveaways or monetary schemes. I am not doing this for any sort of money, nor any sort of reward beyond satisfaction of games getting the time of day that they deserve.

*I will ask greenlight developers if they would like this support before blindly posting about their games. If you are a greenlight developer that has been directed here, please know that I am here to help you, no strings attached!

*If you want your game reviewed, I am happy to do so! I own a lot of games already, so if yours is in my library, simply request that I review it! If I do not have a copy and you wish for me to review it, either nudge me in its direction to buy from the store or send me a key. I do have limited funds, but I will try my best to purchase it if you do not want to provide a key.

*I only will post reviews of games that I think are worth playing. While I do write negative reviews, they will not be linked to this group. You may check my profile if you want my opinion on which games should be avoided.

*If anyone has a suggestion on a game I should check out, post it! If it's on my wishlist, I'm already interested. If it's not, I either don't know about it or passed it over by thinking it wasn't all that great from a first impression. First impressions can be fatal, so if I'm wrong, correct me!


Here is a list of games that I have on deck for reviewing:
*The Town of Light
*Sydney's World
*Freedom Planet
*Emily Is Away

Please keep in mind that since this is not a paying job in any way, I will only be able to post reviews and information on a limited basis, depending on how much time I have to spare. But I am dedicated to this endevour, and I will do all I can to help these games get the attention they deserve!


Thank you for checking out this group! To all those who join, welcome aboard!
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"Any indie game that is well done and worth supporting!"
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29 Mayıs 2016
United States