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October 22, 2012
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Eddy Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:05am
[DONE] Indie Gala Mass Effect
If you're wondering how previous bundles looked like, check this and this

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Yeah, you've read it right.

I'm interested and I might be willing to host, if no one else wants to do it. I'm accepting PayPal payments, and I'm not paying the fees if you charge them to me. I can't accept Amazon's Gift Cards since I'm not from US and I don't use to buy there.

Alternatively, Warrant Officer has offered to host too, but he said he won't accept Amazon's Gift Cards either. I guess he'll be using PayPal too.

Here is the spreadsheet with all the participants, I'll update it based on infos you'll post on this thread. Notify me here of any error or if you'd like to change your request.

Edit by Eddy: Ok, it is confirmed that both me and Warrant Officer will be hosting, since there are a lot of requests we'll split them. We'll buy a pack of 20 bundles each in advance, and then buy 20 more after receiving the payments for those 20, and so on. In my case I might have a problem if there won't be a happy hour until the last day of the bundle, since there has been an unexpected change of plans and I won't be home from the 28th of April to the 1st of May, but I really hope there will be plenty before that and I'll be already done with my part by then.

About the different PayPal payment methods, I'm not sure what it's like in other countries, but in my case under the "Send money" tab I have 3 sub-menus: "Send money online", "Pay eBay items" and "Mass payment".
I don't have the gift option I've heard a lot about, but I've always used the "Send money online" one, then on the form below I'd fill the e-mail address of the person receiving the money, the EXACT amount of money requested (no additional fees here) and the currency requested by the person receiving the money, and select as a reason "Sending money to friends or family".
Then during the confirmation of the transfer I would see the fees PayPal will automatically add to my transaction, usually €0.01 when paying from PayPal, or varying depending on the amount of money sent if paying by credit card. On the confirmation page, I can also select to pay the fees myself or make the receiver pay them (yeah, even the €0.01..), and that's what I meant when I said not to charge them to me.
I've never had issues with this method, and since I can also select the currency the receiver always got the exact amount I intended, no matter what conversion rate or fees were applied to me.

About the people willing to pay with TF2 keys, I'm sorry but I won't accept them, as well as Amazon's Gift Cards like I said before, since I have no use for those, but it's possible that other people will trade some bundles for them, so I've added those requests to the spreadsheet anyway. Warrant Officer is willing to take TF2 keys as a payment, although PayPal is preferred in order to buy any other bundles.

Edit by Jurjee: Last few times that Enclear arranged the Indie Gala bundle, there were always some people who didn't payed the fee them self. It happened mostly with the first few bundles. So to be sure this does happen, I will personal ban the persons who don't pay the fee themself.
Last edited by Warrant Officer; May 4, 2013 @ 1:13pm
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Showing 1-15 of 333 comments
jshed2 Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:08am 
if you're hosting id be interested in doing it, how do these gala group thing s work though?
Roufas Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:08am 
OMG i can't believe it! Really? They really put Zombie Driver HD! HD!!!

Yes i want it, thanks.
Last edited by Roufas; Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:09am
Elrond9 Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:09am 
i can join to bought
Eddy Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:12am 
Originally posted by jshed2:
if you're hosting id be interested in doing it, how do these gala group thing s work though?

Usually the host buys 1 BTA bundle during the first week, so he can get 4 bundles paying only for 1 with Happy Hours in the second week. On top of that, it's better to buy the 5 gifts pack to get 20 bundles total for the price of 5.
Air Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:16am 
Count me in, potentially interested if someone host.
LookAtMyNewDog Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:17am 
Count me in too.
BionicGolem Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:20am 
Count me in for 2 possibly 3.
Last edited by BionicGolem; Apr 18, 2013 @ 9:18am
Antura Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:20am 
Im in.
Kedyn Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:30am 
Count me in too.
Gaba Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:35am 
I'm in for 1, possibly 3.
Last edited by Gaba; Apr 18, 2013 @ 8:53am
Caerbannog Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:48am 
I will definitely buy 1 bundle if you are hosting. :)

EDIT: I honestly wish I could start hosting IG bundles again but the size and scope of recent IG group buys has far exceeded my budget. Hope it'll all work out for you if you do decide to host.
Last edited by Caerbannog; Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:54am
Grebber Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:59am 
I'm in for 1!
arrakis3k Apr 18, 2013 @ 7:01am 
I'm definitly in
Warrant Officer Apr 18, 2013 @ 7:02am 
I'm in, I can host as well :)
jaded86 Apr 18, 2013 @ 7:02am 
I'm in too.
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Showing 1-15 of 333 comments
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All Discussions > Group Buys > Topic Details
Date Posted: Apr 18, 2013 @ 6:05am
Posts: 333