Gamers Coalition Zombie Slayers gczs
Gamers Coalition Zombie Slayers gczs
게임 중
2010년 6월 27일
United States 
Gamers Coalition Zombie Slayers 정보

Together we...braaaaains...

This is a public group for players on the Gamers Coalition L4D2 10v10. It's a place to meet, greet, and find zombie killing companions on the server.

This server has one major mod: The Item Buy System.

With GC's server, we like to keep the gameplay simplistic. No overwhelming menus, nothing overly complicated, nothing you have to spend hours of gameplay to get the hang's pretty much vanilla 10v10 with an item buy system that doesn't have 50 sub menus to get lost in. Buy your weapons, buy your infected, that's it. Don't get lost, don't get confused. - Server has been around since May 2010.


Jackie.gc is the Lead Admin and mod author.

Peanut is the L4D2 community punching bag rep.

If you have any questions, concerns, or if you got banned, please go to for more info.

Some of the other (but not all!) main GC admins on this server are: Maestro, Dixie, loonypumpkin, Mercman, Clony, and several others.

GC is more than just L4D2 - we've been around for well over 13 years and currently run CS:GO, Minecraft, and Killing Floor. We've got plenty of server resources to move into other game types too!

You probably won't have your questions answered here as we usually hang on our long running forums.

If you're looking for a server reserve or wondering why you've been banned that's the place to go. Keep in mind we do have standards and we really want those with reserves to uphold them...

GC's main steam group can be found here:


Community/Server Guidelines
Server Achievements List
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Merry Christmas
댓글 82
Zimbaly-|@tacks| 2022년 4월 21일 오후 8시 56분 
I love it too. :praisesun:
Negan 2022년 4월 21일 오후 7시 35분 
I love how there's a "no swearing rule" in an attempt to keep the game clean. Because y'know, the first thing I'm worried about on AN M RATED GAME about dismembering zombies with a fire axe is "oh no I hope people don't swear it hurts muh fweelings uwu"
Mercer 2020년 4월 5일 오후 1시 07분 
It's like they want the infected to win. but you can't, why? survivor bots you can just camp with and let do all the work for you making it impossible to play when your the only infected on the server and the rest are survivors. please limit the number of survivor bots to 20 max, It's also agreed children shouldn't be playing left 4 dead 2 considering its an m rated game. There is a few rules i would also get rid of, here they are, remove the swearing rule.for the reason mentioned above.2nd one being rushing. Why? Speed-running the game doesn't give infected the chance to pin/separate the group but when you're forced to stay bunched up, chargers could break you up and you can be damaged by acid spit, which can end up with half your group down, with hunters smokers and jockeys following close behind, especially tanks.
Mercer 2020년 4월 5일 오후 1시 07분 
"some admins are corrupt. vocalized 4 times during an entire level and it consisted of 3 'thanks you's from people helping me up and 1 'laughter' from being relieved that I had made it to the safe room alive with my team. then I was immediately kicked for 'spamming' with no warning. when I joined, a few minutes in, I said 'thank you' to a teammate who had revived me and was immediately banned out of nowhere. please put your over-controlling admins in check." I feel you, half the rules on the game don't make sense.
R{}zgar 2020년 3월 31일 오전 3시 04분 
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!

+rep 🅻 🅴 🅶 🅸 🆃 💥
+rep LEGIT 💥
+rep TeamLead 💥
+rep AWP GOD 💢
+rep good trade
+rep Deagle God 💢
+rep Clutch King 💢
best of the best
+rep 🅻 🅴 🅶 🅸 🆃 profile
+rep Great Aim 💢
+rep n1 trader
+rep GG 🎮
+rep Leader 👑
+rep 1Tap Only 💦
iOS 2019년 5월 16일 오전 8시 41분 
pagina que muestre las estadisticas de rank ? :steamhappy:
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95 채팅 중
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2010년 6월 27일
United States 
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