SoloDuos Survival Records SDSvR
SoloDuos Survival Records SDSvR
June 21, 2014
xweeker⅖ Dec 25, 2016 @ 3:37pm
Suggestions about adding new rules.
Hello Community.

My intention for making this thread were some thoughts about the current rules for getting "legit" records which will be listed in this group.

There are serveral things that i would suggest to prevent some kind of game behavior to get a listed record.

The first thing that i want to discuss about is the pacifist-run strategie on mall. There are many other strategies, but about the pacifist-run startegie i have to complain. This strategie is already denied on rooftop because of the extrem high potential of stuck special infected or always running infected, which has the consequence that the player nearly never dies.
The exact same thing happens on mall as well.

I think it's a good strategie to get a high record, but in my opinion the pacifist-run strategie should be denied on rooftop and on mall as well.

The second thing that i want to talk about are the addons for L4D2. Some of those addons are very special and can improve the potential of getting very high records. There are still some addons on the Internet which could highlight special infected or making them more noticeable.

In my opinion there should be a whitelist of allowed addons to prevent such things. If every player has the same addons only then it is controllable to give every player the same chance of getting a high record.

There are three options which could be right now:
- No addons allowed
- Whitelisted addons allowed
- Every addon allowed

I don't think that none addons are a solution because some of those addons are very useful (like Admin Commands) and some of them make the feeling of the game better. A good example is the silenced weapon mod. I heard many players complaining about the loud weapons which why i think this should not be denied.
But to keep it controlled which addons are for this community legit and which are not we should make a whitelist for addons.

Everyone should vote for it which addons are allowed .

Now somebody could say "The Steam Workshop is something which was implemented by the developers.. this is already legit". Yes that's true that the workshop is a default setting of L4D2 which why all addons could be seen as legit, but the workshop is for this Community not controllable. Everyone wants a high listed record, but some people will never have a chance to get the highest if there is somebody who has unfair advantages. Everything else of L4D2 is controllable. You can change every setting and so on but so many addons are giving high possibilities.

Everyone should have the same chance to get a high record .

There shouldn't be someone with an addon which nobody knows which gives him/her a big advantage.

But to make those people not angry or sad who had "unfair" addons which helped them to achieve high records there should be a new list to keep those records alive. This could also be seen for the pacifist-run strats. There is a also the possibility to separate those record in another list.

The third and last thing that i want to share is how the community can controll which players didn't play like it is in the rules is written.

In my opionion there are only a few options to manage this:

1. - Screenshots
2. - Demos
3. - Videos but not over the recording command in L4D2

For complete competitive gameplay:

- default view settings (only first person perspective) - maybe

(- using a complete clean default L4D2 game folder (customized after the group rules))
(- server plugins which say if somebody is cheating)
(- competitive servers on which only the records count if they are made on those servers)
(- different (higher) tickrate)
(- same gaming equip)
(- same area (connection))

- eveything costomizable is default - bullshit

Especialy the third point should be added because screenshots do not often show anything (also addons). And demos do not show which addons are used. This would be very important to know. In my opinion every high listed record should have a full recorded video which also shows the addons in the menu. Otherwise there is no way to say who could possibly played against the rules.

About this suggestion there could be a lot to complain about.

Many people could say that their PC doesn't work that well to manage another video maker with L4D2 or that there are many other options to play against the rules, but i think that a community with close to 150 members who play very often ("competive") L4D2 should have some abilities to minimize the problem of unfair players. That is also why we maybe should make a new list or separated records to prevent of unfair ranked records.

To add one thing: I think our community records aren't "world records". They are casual records which are ranked in this group. We don't know if there was/ is somebody who played after our rules and beat our records. Also our records aren't that competitive made to call it worth the name "world records".

Thank you for letting me share my suggestions and my opinions.
I hope we can discuss further about this. I hope i didn't make somebody angry with this :o

Sincerely xWeeker

Last edited by xweeker⅖; Jan 13, 2017 @ 11:44am
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Showing 1-15 of 37 comments
Paski Jan 19, 2017 @ 3:38am 
Hello @xWeeker,

The situation about Rooftop running in the external area is not the same with Atrium since in Rofftop special infected gets stuck and in Atrium they don't. We can't force people not to run because that's not cheating.

About the add-on situation it's true that this have to be controlled in order to make the record lists more 'legit'. But that needs a lot of time and work and it's probably gonna make people play less because they have to do everything to proof and that might take lot of attempts, GB of videos, time to proof for themselves and time to proof from admins (I personally don't have).
There is no way to proof if someone used an specific add-on because they can just hide it in their L4D2 folder. The only way to poof it is going personally while the person plays :p

I'm not gonna do that work because there are so many grey areas and ppl thinks different that I'm sure it would bring more and more personal discussions like happened in other groups.

In my opinion this is just a game, it's ment to be played and have fun and its not a competition.
But if someone is brave eough to make a list of not accepted add-ons is welcome :)
xweeker⅖ Jan 19, 2017 @ 11:19am 
Hello @AnGer

Thank you for you answer.
I think in some ways you are right and in some ways i have to disagree.

First of all when i ran pacifist rounds i noticed that Jockeys, Smokers, Spitters and very often Tanks where stucking. They often do on those houses with a blue roof.. I don't know what to call them :D. They also stuck under stairs.
Yes it is true that we can't force the people that they not do this run. It's not cheating that's also true, but i think we should at least make a rule or a separated list for special runs where they get mentioned differently. If we would do that, we also could remove the rule where it says that it's not allowed to run in special areas of Rooftop.

I would prefer that we make a separated list for mall pacifist runs and keep the running on rooftop denied in special areas, because on Atrium they stuck sometimes, but on Rooftop they do always.

Now to the next part. I have to agree with you that it's difficult to make those "controlled" gameplays with videos and many other things. They take a lot of time for the players and also for the viewing admins. This could mean that they play less and send you way less screenshots (this could take your work for keeping this group up which would be in some way good i think).
I agree with you again that there is no normal way which takes not much time to show which addons where used in the folder. Even with a video which shows the folder that would be too much i guess. I thought about maybe an overviewer who watches the games of groups or players if they want to get a listed record but i think that takes even more time for everyone :D.

Yes there are many grey areas, but i think some of them are more grey than others.

If nobody is against it i would take the part to make this list for the group which addons are not allowed.

If we have to choose somebody for this i would vote for "The Happy Falafel" because he has a good sense of what is over the limit of "cheating addons".

I really think somebody has to do this.
I also think everyone should take a short part to share which addon should be denied on this list.

Yes you are right, but a ranked list leads automaticly to a competion. I see many players who are "craving" for high score records even tho "it's just a list".

Sincerely xWeeker.
Last edited by xweeker⅖; Jan 19, 2017 @ 12:18pm
The Happy Falafel Jan 19, 2017 @ 12:21pm 
I have no time atm due to exams; but when i'm back on l4d2; i'll definitely look into writing a little list for blacklisted addons; since some are just absolutely ridiculous (like removing boomer bile or highlighting infected in extremely bright colors)...

About the atrium-rooftop issue:
I completely agree running rooftop has to be done "upstairs" since everything does get stuck;
That being said; Atrium has reliable stuck spots aswell though;
Personally; when i run pacifist, and something stucks; i restart to keep my kills at 0 without it feeling cheated, but i understand that nobody is willing to take the "pacifist" tag that seriously :P but the pacifist times are VERY easily recognised and (in my opinion) should definitely be counted sepparately since they make it so insanely much easier to solo.
The more pacifistic you play, the sooner jockeys/smokers/tanks/chargers becomes a non-factor...
Jockeys will usually get stuck (or at the very least one of them) within the first 20 min, tanks stuck like every 5-10 min as the run takes longer and if you hold a canister, all you rly have to care about is dropping the can on the smoker tongues and breaking LOS with the hunters so they never bother to pounce you...

Don't get me wrong; i love playing pacifist; but i'd be lying to myself if i would say it's even remotely close to the difficulty of actually killing everything while running.

btw, unless there's some way to hide it (of which i'm currently unaware); aren't all addons used at the time of the screenshot, visible when viewing a screenshot? if so (and i'm pretty sure it's like that since that's how i found out how many people are dirty little boomerbile removers :P)
i don't see why it would be hard to see if any of the blacklisted addons were used...

Anyways, here are my two cents on the matter;
Wish i could discuss this more in detail and help in finding a sollution, since this is something that has been bothering me for quite some time...
(since basically the only way to take this game serious in a competitive sence is by just trying to improve personally, since you can only really trust yourself)

You'll hear something from me again once my exams are over :P

In the meantime, try not to take it too seriously and just enjoy being competitive vs your own records :P

~The Happy Falafel
Paski Jan 21, 2017 @ 8:55pm 
Hello @The Happy Falafel,

Thanks for joining the discusion and welcome.
All the highest solo Atrium demos that I've seen got very few specials stuck or Tanks. Xout's, Boss', Columbu's, vfxfi's, khan's and my pacifist runs are the classic jockey stuck into the elevator. I've seen more Si stuck holding bridge than running around :p
Is not my intention to make separate lists of the same game mode just because it's easier than other strategies. And again it's really hard to tell the difference between a pacifist run of a normal run ^^. Is there a limit of special killed to become a normal run? Who decide this limit and why?
I really just wanna make this simple just by updating records without cheats xD

The Rooftop discussion I think it's pretty obvious because that fits into the rule 'can't use a strategy that makes SI stuck' ;)

About the add-on list I really don't think this is gonna help because anyone can use an add-on of colored SI and you can't see it in the screenshot.
It's really easy to hide, you just have to copy the add-on file from Workshop folder and paste into the add-ons L4D2 folder. I have tested myself because I saw lot of people using add-ons and were not showing in the screenshots.

You can also upload a screenshot that is not yours or record a demo using all kind of mods and then after replay the demo without the mods and take a screeshot.
As I said before, even if you make a short list of mods that you consider unfair (All should vote this? mod by mod?), maybe other people don't think its unfair or other people think that is unfair the silenced weapons mod. I consider myself all mods part of the game. Making a Steam-addons-police control is a really hard job to do and lots of useless discusions in an old videogame of a sub-category in a small group of a challenges :p

I really don't have time to become investigator, I have enough trouble asking for demos and watching them xD
Anyway, thanks for the ideas but I don't see how this is gonna encourage ppl to play more when this is all about have fun playing videogames ^^
The Happy Falafel Jan 22, 2017 @ 6:56am 
I have no intention of telling people what is good or bad, when it comes to add ons or certain strategies and how they are compared. People who want to cheat will always find a way to do it and hide it; so investigating only helps a bit, and i understand nobody wants to take the time to do that. To be honest, i have better things to do myself.
That being said; i do think it's interesting to hear from more people in the community what their opinions are on this matter; which is why i decided to join the conversation myself. There are a lot of gray areas when it comes to what should be considered "fair" and i think it would be interesting if we could have more than just one opinion out in the open ^^
The add on thing was my mistake since i was unaware that it was possible to hide it from showing on screenshots.
Still, i think it would be interesting to see if some of the experienced survival players could tell us their opinions on what should be considered fair and whether certain add ons should be banned or not.

I don't expect (or even want) to change the way the community works; since i don't think a lot will really change in a game/community this old. But it would still be nice to find out what other people's opinions are on this matter; so we can potentially atleast compare our times to theirs :P

I don't want to make you change the way your record lists are made, since that would be too much work for you and likely piss a lot of people off aswell who previously had a record there.
I am merely trying to find out how the rest of the community feels about the way the records are made right now; to see where we could potentially go from there.
Paski Jan 22, 2017 @ 10:38am 
Allright, but I don't think more people will come here to talk about this because lot of people that are against some add-ons left the group time ago, they come and go or they just don't want to get involved in discussions. So I'm not sure if this suggestion will go further. Also there are so many different opinions and which mods will be consideref unfair compared with others, for example, who decides if a colored mod is considered normal or unfair?,
Are we all going to make a vote in every mod to decide if its unfair or not? I really don't see how this is gonna work :P
The add-ons discusion it's from 3 years ago and so far noone made a list of unfair mods. Only "Top 10 Survival Records" banned records because someone used colored SI (they have a rule saying "Brightly colored special infected models, or anything that makes SI more noticable", well, it's really very basic explanation to make a record not valid IMO).
Anyway, everyone is welcome to join the discussion so we can see more pov or explanations to make me more open mind about it ^^
Last edited by Paski; Jan 22, 2017 @ 10:40am
Franky M. Jan 22, 2017 @ 9:18pm 
The rule we have in the L4D1/2 Top 10 group is not meant to be enforced by some sort of blind robots. It is designed to provide a basis on which human admins can review the use of dodgy modifications and judge, with thousands of hours of experience between themselves, if an unfair advantage was obtained or not.

First, do mods such as this provide an unfair advantage? There should be no discussion. A big part of survival is spotting the dangers in the distance, dark corners etc. No serious survival player can claim that they would change their Hunter skin to this just because they enjoy that particular colour scheme. Do we even need to get into Remove Boomer's Vomit?

Second, is it possible and realistic to check every listed round, every player for that sort of cheating? Certainly not. This is a casual online community, not an e-sports league - and even these struggle to prevent cheating. But I'd like to think that groups such as this one have a very important role in setting standards for the community, and making judgement calls on what's cool and what isn't.

Let me make a parallel. You couldn't say if someone is using an aimbot without spectating/looking at their demo - and plenty of records get approved with just a screenshot. Does that mean aimbot is acceptable and considered legal in this group? Certainly not.

Last point: yes, it's possible to hide workshop modifications. It's also possible to ask questions when someone never posts screenshots. Or just screenshots looking at a wall with no SI in the picture. Screenshots from demo. When someone more or less unknown suddenly gets very high times out of nowhere. When they never have a demo, or can't upload it, lost it etc.

And yes, some who really want to cheat in a 7-year-old game with no prize at stake might still find a way, and slid under the radar. No system is perfect. I'm just not a big fan of the system where people can just submit a massive fuck you to all legit players and get away with it.
Paski Jan 23, 2017 @ 2:48am 
Yes of course some add-ons are obvious ment to make SI super visible and has nothing to do with make the SI look cool. But again who is gonna decide that? 3 guys or 20 between 1000? I think all should vote that, or at least someone should make a vote system or something to see what community thinks and then use it as a rule here.
The only way I see this working is making a list of all mods with game changes (skin, sound, graphic, etc) and a large number of ppl vote one mod by one and say if its unfair or not.
I can't find a better democratic way to do this.
ʙäᴍᴍ` Jan 23, 2017 @ 4:31am 
Hey everyone!

I think that what comes to coloured SI skins, it's really about common sense. I don't think it's necessary to make a list about all the add ons that are "banned", because we can just look at the screenshot and see what add ons were used and judge with common sense from that. I don't think there are that many "gray areas" in these SI skins, the ones that give advantage are imo pretty obvious, like the ones that smiley linked here. And if there is uncertainty about the legitimacy of some SI skin showing in a screenshot, admins can always have a conversation about that particular case to figure out if it's legit or not. Most of the times posted in this group are "clean" so it shouldn't be that big of a job to go through and determine the few ones that might not be, so that we could have a consistant and reliable list of records.

Also might be a good idea to demand netgraph showing in the screenshots in the future, so that we can be sure the ss was not taken from a demo. Ofc if someone really wants to cheat, they'll find a way to do it but adding some sort of rules about SI skins would in my opinion decrease the confusion about what's considered legit and what's not. Especially amongst newer players, some people might not know about the controvercy of certain skins, and they might think they are playing legitly.

What comes to the pacifist strat on mall (Im talking about duos, since i have more experience of that), i don't find it cheating. It's just a different way of playing. But I do think it's a hell of a lot easier to reach higher times that way. In my opinion 1 SI/min round is not comparable to 4-5+ SI/ min round, and for that reason i think it would be cool to have a separate list for lower counts / pacifist strat. I aknowledge that in some cases it might be difficult to determine if the round is a "no kill" round, or "kill all" round. For example if a team mate dies and one has to go solo for a while, the counts may drop even if the team has killed everything to that point. For this reason, i suggest that the two lists would be more based on the counts than the strategy used.
Also, with lower counts it's difficult to tell if there was something stuck or not. It's a lot easier to go on with jockeys stuck in the elevator room, than it is when the team risks a lot by throwing molotovs there / unstucking stuff every now and then.

- Some sort of rule about SI skins that give an advantage should be added to avoid confusion and to clarify that there are standards and cheating is not accepted in this group.
- Would be cool to have a separate list for mall rounds that are played pacifist / with low counts.
Sazzouu Jan 23, 2017 @ 5:29am 
If you blame pacifist running as cheating you'll have to blame running in general as cheating.
Because the mechanic on both runs is the same but you use the advantage given by the games given pathfinding. No SI gets stucked like its the case on rooftop so you can't compare these two in any way.

So if you say running on atrium is cheating you have to say every record with running elements in it have to be cheated (like your solo on you profile). Same as each record done with more than one lap in it (like your best time on atrium).
Edga/Vabi Jan 23, 2017 @ 5:50am 
No one is saying that pacifist run is cheating. its a strategy which i personally use in solos. It's a way to make it easier to get higher time ofc. But just make sure nothing gets stuck and check the rooms where they usually get stuck if possible.

When it comes to mods yeah i agree i have been using SI colored skins yes i have. I have had times with it. I regret that i used them and removed both the records and mods. Go get OP mods and get 200min+ and then the time will be accepted? I really want to keep this list nice and clear, but there might be people hiding their mods in the ss, i cant say anything since i dont see any mods on the ss so i'll go ahead and accept it as legit time. but seeing V3 mods and some shit like that on a screenshot???
Paski Jan 23, 2017 @ 6:05am 
Originally posted by RIPdeinemudda65:

These rules are cool but don't say anything about which mods we are gonna consider as fair/unfair like we want to. It has to be more detailed than that to prevent future problems ;)

Originally posted by bämbi:
Hey everyone!

What comes to the pacifist strat on mall (Im talking about duos, since i have more experience of that), i don't find it cheating. It's just a different way of playing. But I do think it's a hell of a lot easier to reach higher times that way. In my opinion 1 SI/min round is not comparable to 4-5+ SI/ min round, and for that reason i think it would be cool to have a separate list for lower counts / pacifist strat. I aknowledge that in some cases it might be difficult to determine if the round is a "no kill" round, or "kill all" round. For example if a team mate dies and one has to go solo for a while, the counts may drop even if the team has killed everything to that point. For this reason, i suggest that the two lists would be more based on the counts than the strategy used.
- Would be cool to have a separate list for mall rounds that are played pacifist / with low counts.

Having different lists of different strategies is not what I want for this group sorry.
Last edited by Paski; Jan 23, 2017 @ 6:06am
Edga/Vabi Jan 23, 2017 @ 6:06am 
and also its easier to say then done. getting high times on mall and other maps is hard but how much easier does it get when you have such mods that gives you wallhacks? :D and then being posted on the group. I just see that these kind of records with mods like that should be nothing but Disqualified. Like anger said.

''I think all should vote that, or at least someone should make a vote system or something to see what community thinks and then use it as a rule here''
ʙäᴍᴍ` Jan 23, 2017 @ 6:10am 
@Anger, I see. It was only a suggestion, I'm fine with having "easier" rounds on the same list as "more difficult" rounds, since you can see how the round was from the screenshots anyways. As i said, i think playing pacifist is only a different strategy and everyone has the option / can make the decision to use it.
>Having two lists would be cool, but not necessary.

Also about the SI skins, you want to be fair and have democracy, right? I feel that most of the people in this group would like to have some sort of guideline on the SI skins, so please don't ignore us. Most of the people don't use any skins on SI, and personally i don't find the SI skins to make the gameplay any better/enjoyable. We could just ban all si skins for all i care, but ofc i understand that might be too strict of a guideline.

I do think we can come up with a solution / compromise that would benefit all. Having times posted with si spotters is just a huge joke to me, and I'm sure most of the people in the survival community would agree with me.
Last edited by ʙäᴍᴍ`; Jan 23, 2017 @ 6:25am
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