Dead MP Games Resurrection Group DMPGR
Dead MP Games Resurrection Group DMPGR
August 22, 2014
Let's Resurrect: Orbital Gear
If you own Orbital Gear, and would like to play multiplayer, feel free to use this thread!

Click Subscribe to discussion on the right to be notified of any replies to this thread, which will include scheduled events!

Or, reply to the thread to discuss with other players and potentially get a group going at any time!

This game still needs supporters who help to make events! Contact admins or reply here to get the needed unlock for the group's event system!
Last edited by WinNytHepOOh; Mar 14, 2020 @ 8:20am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
pikku Sep 3, 2015 @ 12:54pm 
[Accepted Suggestion] Please resurrect Orbital Gear
Orbital Gear

This game is almost completely dead. I checked the amount of servers on all regions, and there was only 1 server on EU side with 2 players. The game has some kind of singleplayer, but no one really plays it

Here is the steamcharts page:

You can host games and people can join your game with ease. Anyone could host a game and people can just join them. I dont think there would be any problems to anyone to host games.

I might be able to volunteer to be the game mod, but im not sure if it fits my schedule because im in middle of my studies atm.
Last edited by WinNytHepOOh; Sep 3, 2015 @ 3:10pm
WinNytHepOOh Sep 3, 2015 @ 1:17pm 
Hello there! :)

Nice suggestion there....definitely a game that should be well suited for this group! :)
Regarding your concerns...being a game mod really is no big, demanding job....your core duty will be to host the events for your game, where we go with a maximum of 1 event per game and month for now. So you see it's no big workload. Date and time are your free choice!
Besides that you should be active in the forums thread for your title to chat with people that are interested, and maybe you also try to get into contact with other fangroups and such that supports Orbital Gear! :) But all that really doesn't take much time, and can be done nearby when you are taking your free time in the evening to play some games! :)
pikku Sep 3, 2015 @ 1:28pm 
Yeah well if you say so, I think ill be up for it :)
pikku Sep 3, 2015 @ 1:47pm 
I can host games in EU. I will look for a good date and will inform you :)
WinNytHepOOh Sep 3, 2015 @ 3:01pm 
Hehe okay, that's great! :D
VraN Dec 10, 2015 @ 1:47am 
Jackaler Aug 9, 2016 @ 12:59am 
DrakeWarrior Aug 9, 2016 @ 5:17am 
I'm in if events will come for this game. If possible, notyfy me, so i'll not miss it :)
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