Dead MP Games Resurrection Group DMPGR
Dead MP Games Resurrection Group DMPGR
August 22, 2014
WinNytHepOOh Feb 26, 2017 @ 5:26pm
Let's Resurrect: Doom Series
If you own a game of the Doom Series, and would like to play multiplayer, feel free to use this thread!

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Last edited by WinNytHepOOh; Mar 14, 2020 @ 8:05am
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tiberium Jan 22, 2017 @ 2:17pm 
[Accepted Suggestion] Doom Series
Hey, hi, hello. If you guys do not know me, my name is Shad0w, an admin fort he DMPMRG (Dead Multiplayer Mods Resurrection Group) and a game mod for all Quake games and HL2:DM on the DMPGRG.

Today, I would like to suggest a game that pretty much started the FPS genre as a whole. DOOM. No no, not the 2016 game. 1993 and 1994.

What is "The Ultimate DOOM?"

The Ultimate DOOM is an updated version of Doom released on April 30, 1995, that adds a fourth nine-level episode, Thy Flesh Consumed, which contains seven regular levels, one secret level, and one boss level. This enhanced version was made as an incentive in the distribution of the boxed game through retail stores and venues, although to be fair to fans who had previously registered Doom, id Software provided them with a freely available patch to upgrade their copy of Doom version 1.9 to The Ultimate Doom.


The player takes control of an unnamed marine who must battle his way through four episodes, and single-handedly eliminate each guardian of Hell; the twin Barons of Hell (E1M8), the Cyberdemon (E2M8), the Spider Mastermind (E3M8), and another Spider Mastermind (E4M8).

Now that you know what "The Ultimate DOOM" is, I can finally give you the game that basically has more mods than DOOM, DOOM II: Hell on Earth.

What is "DOOM II: Hell on Earth?"

Doom II: Hell on Earth, released on September 30, 1994, is the first sequel to Doom. thats basically a short meaning of it.


The player once again takes the role of the Marine, an unnamed hero, who, after being stranded on Phobos and subsequently fighting his way out of Deimos and Hell itself, returns back home to Earth — only to find that it too has fallen victim to an invasion from Hell.

With all the major cities in the world in ruins, the remaining leaders plan to use spacecrafts to transport the survivors of Earth's population. However, the starport is the only way for the ships to depart and the demons have protected it with a force field. All of humanity's remaining soldiers make a desperate assault on the starport, but eventually they are decimated and only the player remains.

The Marine manages to enter the infested starport, slay all the demons in his way and is able to shut down the force field. Humanity is able to escape, and he sits quietly waiting for death, knowing he saved his species.

Then, the remaining humans have discovered the source of the hellish invasion: the Marine's own hometown. He gets back into the fight and exterminates the hellspawn from the town, and finds another entryway into hell.

To close the portal, he must enter hell again to stop the invasion. After journeying through its twisted surface, the Marine manages to confront the Icon of Sin, a gigantic demon, and kills it. Its gruesome death causes devastation on Hell, and the portal to Earth has been sealed.

Questions and Answers

Q: Jeez, this game is old! How can I play it without using DOSBox?

A: Well, that is an excellent question. There are source ports available for online play, I recommend the following 3 here:




Those 3 are all the source ports that have online play.

Q: I got one of the source ports you recommended me, but I can't see any servers! Help?

A: You need to use a server browser. ZDaemon and Zandronum come with built in server browsers in the directory. For Odamex, it does not come built it. I recommend using Internet Doom Explorer, a server browser for DOOM I and II servers.

Q: I got the server browser, and the source port. I read the second question, but I can't play because I don't have the specific WADs!

A: For Internet DOOM Explorer, there is an option where you can install the WADs with a program called GetWAD. It looks for it on the internet and downloads it automatically and places it in for you. Lead it to your GetWAD directory, and it'll install the specific wads for the server for you! Life is easy!

I thank you all for reading this, have a wonderful day!

~ Shad0w
Last edited by WinNytHepOOh; Feb 26, 2017 @ 5:22pm
Mary~ Mar 3, 2017 @ 3:15pm 
Hey you guys seem to know a bit about DooM multiplayer, I tried making a LAN game with doomseeker (came with my version of zandronum) But the servers arn't showing up... also CHAINSAW, THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR!:chainsaw:
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