Rust Age Of Camelot - Rust Modded Server R.A.O.C.
Rust Age Of Camelot - Rust Modded Server R.A.O.C.
February 15, 2014
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Matley Feb 20, 2014 @ 4:52am
Complete list of options available on the server and brief description:

SIEGE SYSTEM Exclusive for Wood and Metal :
- Wood Wall, Wood Window and Doorway, destructible with melee weapons (only Hatchet and Hatchet Stone), you can destroy structures in WOOD with the Hatchet, alone it will take several minutes, while with others it will be much faster (like the old Daoc Was), Exclusive plugin, no other server still has this feature for now.

- Limited Metal structure, available only as Loot and not craftable, destructible only with the C4, you can only craft Metal Door, Metal Wall, Metal Pillar and Metal Window Bars, the other piece are Loot, in other words, it will be difficult to build houses of metal to ensure safety, but being the C4 very limited, once built your metal house and hidden it well you can stay safe (at least for a while ) .

- the basic concept is to create skirmishes and raids without C4 , increasing the fun
- Anti-theft System: if you're in game you will receive a on-screen notice if someone destroys a part of your home and you can react, (only when an object you own id destroyed you receive a message like " Your home is under attack by Nameplayer "
- Explosives removed, C4 very limited and not craftable, you can find them only as rare Loot, airdrop and quests reward, but to balance the difficulty to create metal structure, it will be quite limited.

- Modern weapons ( M4 , MP5 , Bolt) only available as Loot/Quest reward and not craftable.. We want that own one of these weapons is hard, forget to pull up a storehouse of weapons of this type, you'll have to fight for them and maintain them, and on the other side the other weapons are easy to find.
- Craft Shotgun limited to modern weapons, guns and old weapons.

- Progressive Quest System with over 50 quest doable splitted into 6 Quest categories (upgradeable ) .Type “/mission” for the menu, then “/mission "name" joinall “ to join all the category with a single command, reward; weapons, armor, C4 and Supply Signal. In addition the quest progressive are.. not one at time, you will begin to have a shotgun for kill 20 Bears and will continue to gain reward without resetting the counter every time, when you complete the quest remember to rewrite the "joinall" to restart the already completed quest, without lose progression on the other.

- Kill Spam in general chat, For every kill in game, You read a kill spam with a brief description " Tom was killed by Caius with a headshot with a sniper rifle ."

- True Grass.on imposed by the server , you can not remove the grass ( in testing ), we want the grass is an important component of the game, you can finally make realm ambushes.. and also hide in the grass.. in short, stop playing into golf course.. Rust is a jungle.

- PVP/PVE Leaderboard/Ranking with Top 10, accessible via the command /rankings and personal stat with /stats

- Ability to create and manage groups (clans, guild you name it) and group chat, type /help in game for the complete menu, you can invite your friends and PLAY together under the same tag, also if we will enable the friendly fire, you do no harm to your groupmate, once you have created the group, you can talk in group chat with /g

- Local Chat, you can write to those around you like the /say (mmorpg), use the command /l to at all people near you,

- Private in-game message /pm "Name" and /re "text" to answer the last pm

- All the controls in the game are CASE SENSITIVE, if you'll have someone to invite you have to write the exact name, including capital and capital digit.

- Completely revisited Loot table to ensure more depth to the gameplay .

- Floating damage taken/done on players/npc, there will be a message that will tell you how much damage you have done or how much and by you have suffered whom, this function can be disabled in the game if you were not pleased .

- Location plugin , with compass, coordinates and name of the area you are in, type /Where in the game
- Playerlist, doing /who you will see how many people are on the server, doing /list you can also read their names.
- Starter Kit, with redeem /kit at any time, will be available 10 basic kit consisting of 6 or 7 items suitable for those who starts for the first time.
- Possibility (only via "Pick Axe ") to remove structures you own, if you have always dreamed of removing a wall misplaced? Take a Pick Axe, use it on the wall, a message will appear, "hit another time to remove this item" press again and the wall will disappear.. this will work with any item of your property, you will also receive a refund of 70% of the materials for the item removed.

- NameViewer from distance , (wrote /b) to activate it for 90 seconds, you want to know who is running on the rock 300 meters away? Point it after activate NameViewer.. and in a moment you will see his name.

- Group Friendly Fire (in test), as I said if we introduce this, you can not hit the Groupmate, but we are considering whether to activate it or not, because we believe that team kill is a component of the game.

- Economy System (inactive) there will be money in the game, you will earn money by killing mobs or player, you will lose them (in%) when you die, you can buy all item in the game with the money earned (this plugin is not active and have not yet decided whether to use it or not)

When RUST give us the right tools to work on, we can start work on the real project.. some point follow;

- 3 unique factions with unique model
- Keep / Towers, new buildings on the map .
- Ability to conquer areas and claim.
- New Weapons
- Weapons / Armor Decay (in progress )
- Much more ...
Last edited by Matley; Feb 22, 2014 @ 9:31am