CJ's Opinions (Game Reviews) CJsOs
CJ's Opinions (Game Reviews) CJsOs
11 Juni 2016
Bhs. Inggris
TENTANG CJ's Opinions (Game Reviews)

Purely opinionated reviews...

It started innocently enough. Posted a review: got a thumb's up. Posted another, more elaborate review: got a few thumbs up. Posted more, thorough, structured reviews: got some thumbs up and a few encouraging words on my profile. Decided to create a group.

My reviews aren't professional, they aren't unbiased. I'm just a gamer, like you. My reviews reflect my personal tastes and experience with the reviewed game. However, I explain my opinions with facts that show both sides of the medal. My goal is for my reviews to be as useful as possible to someone looking to buy the game, including people with different tastes than me.

You will find my past reviews here.
While my extensive backlog of games is here.
You can also follow my curator by clicking over here.

Your opinion on any given game might differ from mine, and that's great! Just don't hate me or my reviews strictly because you disagree.


Why start a group?: I don't add people as friends unless I know them, but some people wanted to add me as friend to stay tuned to my newest reviews. Now, those people can join the group instead.

What to expect from this group?: I'll be announcing my latest reviews to those who are members, and also add it to my review catalog. Some people may want to start game discussions here, and they are welcome to do so.

Is this one of those giveaway groups?: While I may personally do a few giveaways of reviewed games on SteamGifts.Com to give back for the games I myself was given, CJ's Opinions is not a giveaway group in and of itself.

Can I post about free stuff?: No, thank you. There are dedicated groups for that, and this isn't one. Any CS:GO and ad bots will be promptly banned, and their spam message will be swiftly deleted, so don't bother.

If someone gives you a game, will you review it?: Unless I have technical difficulties running the game, I likely will review it as soon as I get to it. But accepting to review a game gives me no obligation: I will recommend (or not) a game strictly based on my opinion, not the price I got it for (although free-to-play is taken into consideration).

Are you that full of yourself?: Nah, I'm just indulging my OCD tendencies by giving myself something to manage. I don't expect to build any sort of fan-base, and will be both surprised and glad if I get more than a few members!

Your reviews are crap!: I'm sorry you feel this way. Why are you here, then?
New opinionated review: Star Wars | The Force Unleashed – Ultimate Sith Edition
I just posted a positive review of this game. Click here to find out why!

New opinionated review: Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light – Collector's Edition
I just posted a negative review of this game. Click here to find out why!

Ulasan CJ's Opinions (Game Reviews)
"Games of all kind and genre, reviewed according to CJ's personal, biased opinion."
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2 Komentar
creepyaru 4 Apr 2023 @ 11:55am 
Hey, I'm an indie game developer.
Currently working on a Vampire Survivors & FTL alike 3D game set in space.
Feel free to say hi! and all kinds of feedback are appreciated. Please consider to check it out & wishlist it!
doll 27 Nov 2018 @ 11:00pm 
By now you know I love your work, but I wanted to reassure you that an unbiased review is a myth. Whomever engages in the critical appreciation of art and claims to be unbiased is either lying or concealing their agenda. Doesn't mean we cannot strive for objectivity within our bias <3 Keep up your opinionated reviews!
Ke ruang obrolan
11 Juni 2016
Bhs. Inggris