[AMT]Nazi Zombie AMT/NZ
[AMT]Nazi Zombie AMT/NZ
March 4, 2016
PyroFox Jun 20, 2016 @ 1:15pm
map bug reports
ok so here is the thing. i am not perfect when it comes to making the maps perfect. i did like 12 of them in a few weeks and that was hard. i would like it very much if people could report things wrong with the maps. people might think that exploits are fine however if their are too many exploits on a map and too many people abuse it then the map WILL be removed.anyways bugs/exploits fall into 2 categories. 1) navmesh problems. 2) map config problems.

to report navmesh problems replay to this post with a screenshot of the area marked with your cross hairs. zoom in to indicate it is a navmesh problem.
listed are a couple of navmesh problems to report.
1) zombie attempts to climb up the side of stairs.
2) zombie tries to jump up onto something but fails
3) zombie can not reach an area that players can easily jump onto.
4) zombies try to climb over an obstacle that is too high for them to jump over.

for map config problems here are a few examples. as with navmesh problems submit a screenshot but do NOT zoom in. listed are a few examples of these.
1) perk machines, weapon placements, mystery box can be moved.
2) players can get into areas without buying the doors
3) zombies spawn and then despawn instantly
4) zombies get stuck where they spawn
5) an area where zombies would have a hard time getting upto ( but players can) so we need an invisible wall.
6) weapons in the mystery box that do NOT belong. this includes all knifes or grenades except moneybombs.

just replay to this discussion with a description and a screenshot and i will look at the map to fix the problem quickly.
Last edited by PyroFox; Jun 21, 2016 @ 12:40pm