The 300 Club (Beta) 300β
The 300 Club (Beta) 300β
December 12, 2013
MrCafeMan Dec 16, 2013 @ 4:12pm
Steam Box & Controller
Since the Steam Boxes are arriving for people I figured I'd start a thread where we can talk about them in detail.

What do you think about the Steam Box? What bugs/glitches have you seen so far?

What about the controller? You like it, or hate it.


I'm impressed with it so far myself. The Steam OS is pretty much Big Picture Mode 2.0, which is nice. I dont have to learn how to use something new, well sort of. I also like that I don't have to use the Steam controller if I dont want to. I plugged in my Xbox 360 controller for windows, not only did it work, but it showed the button colors on screen when you need to type something. I loved that.

Using the Steam Controller is still very weird to me. I'm gonna force myself to use it a little more, that way I can get a good opinion on it free of first impressions.

As for bugs, my box has made a weird ticking sound once for a few moments. Hasn't dont it again. That and the internet spazzed out twice--the screen got all fuzzy and glitchy for a second, then went back to normal.

The only game I have installed on it is TF2. It plays really well--LAG FREE WOO HOO!
I'd love to figure out how to use the chat window when I'm playing though. Tomorrow I'll install a few more games.

Other than that, the box is golden.

What about you guys (or girls)?
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Elgalad Dec 16, 2013 @ 4:27pm 
It's going to take me a while to get used to using a controller for everything and as another user said on the controller thread, these things are Hyper-sensitive. You don't have to even touch them it seems like; just waving your thumbs near the haptic pads is enough to trigger them.. The palm and index buttons are quite sensitive as well. Rather than call that a big drawback however, I think it's actually going to be a plus in the long run ~ it'll just take some getting used to along with the rest of the controller process.

The box is very solid, it doesn't feel like a jury-rig at all, but a well-crafted product. I took a quick peek inside and it looks like they used the space quite efficiently as well. Haven't heard any noises or tickings yet..

I'm downloading some games to try now, will try them out tomorrow.

I did try to use chat with a friend a little bit ago and while I think I can eventually get the hang of the controller texting process, it'll never be as quick as regular qwerty typing. I'm not looking forward to using voice chat either, but it looks like that may become necessary.

Biggest complaint so far: I hate it, truly Hate it, that I have to relog in every time I go back and forth between my PC and the Steam Box. Now I don't expect to be able to play both simultaneously, but it's a major pita to re-enter my password through the steam controller every time, and it'd sure be nice to be Able to download on the box while I'm playing the PC or vice versa. At the very least, I really wish the thing could be set to remember my password..
Last edited by Elgalad; Dec 16, 2013 @ 4:34pm
MrCafeMan Dec 16, 2013 @ 5:31pm 
Yes, I agree I hate that I can't be logged into both at the same time. Thats something I hope they fix.
Rob Lockster Dec 16, 2013 @ 5:37pm 
I tried tf2. To note, there are those community settings to change controls for games. Many are great. I tried to plug my headset into the back for it, but it seems unresponsive so far.
MrCafeMan Dec 16, 2013 @ 5:48pm 
I know. I was able to play the game just fine, no problems. I just coulnt use the chat window. Which sucked. I had never played TF2 with my gamepad so naturally I was sucking a little more than normal. I had a bunch of people heckling me over the text chat, not knowing I was on my box. Normally it would have ticked me off but I just smiled and thought, "Well, I have a Steam Box, and you dont. So ha."

Regarding the headsets, mine didn't work either, but when I tried ajusting the mic settings on the box it said that feature wasn't availible, so that's probably why.
JimmyJamNYC Dec 16, 2013 @ 6:33pm 
I completely agree with the login issue. I am always on steam, on my desktop or now my machine, and relogging in, especially if you only have the haptic controller, is really hard! for me at least, it seems the auto login on the machine is being disabled if I come back to my PC and login to steam there.

I am having major problems with the controller but that may be me. I am continuing to try to use it, but it seems way too sensitive. All haptic, all the time, even if you aren't moving the pads.

Box is gorgeous in my humble opinion. Nice design. Love the individual drill out and I hope we get to keep them. I am so proud to be an original supporter of valve and an owner of one of these Machines.
kleric Dec 16, 2013 @ 6:44pm 
The controller is just a bear to use. Too sensitive, too confusing. Not really sure if it's even something I can get used to using.
Last edited by kleric; Dec 16, 2013 @ 6:52pm
JackeeChengg Dec 16, 2013 @ 6:47pm 
Have you guys tried mouse and keyboard?
OctotacO Dec 16, 2013 @ 10:29pm 
Originally posted by JimmyJamNYC:

I am having major problems with the controller but that may be me. I am continuing to try to use it, but it seems way too sensitive. All haptic, all the time, even if you aren't moving the pads.

Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in? I've had it happen twice and that fixed it instantly both times.
Last edited by OctotacO; Dec 16, 2013 @ 10:30pm
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