Friend Message Hacking
I recieved a message from a close friend of mine, and I assumed it was safe. As I opened up the picture, my chat boxes opened up, and sent the same image to all of my friends. I've warned them not to open it, but what should I do? I already changed my Steam password, Email password, and I'm running a thourough scan on my computer. What can I do to protect myself?
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set your inventory to private and check task manager for any suspicious processes e.g. 'Stub'
Naposledy upravil Ravishing Haziq Rude; 20. pro. 2014 v 19.51
FYI, what you thought was a picture is probably actually a screen saver file. It's the same thing as a program in windows, just renamed to use the ".scr" extension instead. So basically it's a malware program.
mister bubble he did not mean to do this and I`m sure he does... have protection and did not mean to spread it but he warned them it was the malwares fault not his..
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 20. pro. 2014 v 19.38
Počet příspěvků: 3