Összes téma > Steam fórumok > Steam for Mac > Téma részletei
Space requirements for Steam and games on a MacBook Air 11" 128GB SSD
Heyy all,

I'm planning to install Steam on a new MacBook Air which has a 128GB SSD and an Intel Core i5 1.3GHz processor.

These are the games I currently have on Steam on my present computer (a 13" MacBook Pro) :

Team Fortress 2
Garry's Mod
Portal 2

How much disk storage space does each game take up? And how much disk storage space does the Steam app itself take up?

Pls advise me accordingly asap, muchas gracias. ;)
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128GB HDD is enough
Legutóbb szerkesztette: 🐦 beather; 2013. okt. 1., 9:44
BTW, it's a 128GB SSD, not HDD (MacBook Air runs on a Solid State Drive, or SSD).... anyway my question was, how much disk space does each of the three games (Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod, Portal 2) take up, and how much disk space does the Steam app itself take up?
Portal 2: 12 GB
Team Fortress 2: 12.5 GB
Gary's Mod: 3.5 GB

Steam app: 100-200 MB

Your biggest issue will probably be GPU performance. Steam now lets you store your games on external hard drives which would be an option for you.
Go to the Steam store page for each game, scroll down and read the section titled "System Requirements". The required HDD space will be listed.

While you're there, make sure you compare the minimum required hardware for each game to your current machine. If your machine does not meet these requirements, you cannot run the game. This is an important facet of PC gaming- games do not simply work on Windows, or OS X- there are hardware requirements as well that you must meet or exceed.
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Összes téma > Steam fórumok > Steam for Mac > Téma részletei
Közzétéve: 2013. okt. 1., 8:18
Hozzászólások: 4