Összes téma > Steam fórumok > Steam for Mac > Téma részletei
Installing Skyrim on Mac?
OK, I purchased Skyrim on Steam, planning to run it through one of those cider/wine type emulators, but Steam won't so much as permit me to download the file because I am running it from the wrong platform. Not sure what to do - do I have to unpack the thing on a PC and transfer it to my Mac or is there a way to install it (legally!) from my Mac? (I have an old dinosaur of a PC from 2007 which will work for this purpose.)

Thank you.
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
Get bootcamp
Install the Windows version of Steam with Wine, download and run the game with that.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Janichsan; 2014. jan. 31., 8:01
Thanks everyone!
like raskolnikova said use wine here is a site with a wrapper already set up
I have same problem and the links you guys sent aren't opening. how should i resolve this problem
Get parallels, its the best emulator
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
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Összes téma > Steam fórumok > Steam for Mac > Téma részletei
Közzétéve: 2014. jan. 30., 18:27
Hozzászólások: 7