The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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lots of wifes
i guess i would like to see a mod where i could have a couple of wifes and have them live in diffrent houses anyone made anything like that
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Ah yes, the Mormon Mod. Not sure if they're done with that yet ~_~!
One wife is enough. Several wives is a no no. Unless your a masochist.
thomasfulton0505 a écrit :
i guess i would like to see a mod where i could have a couple of wifes and have them live in diffrent houses anyone made anything like that

Why the hell would anyone want to do this? Let's forget moral reasons for a moment... Women are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ impossible to understand as it is. A man only has the ability to halfway understand one of them in a lifetimes investment (I truly believe this) so god would it be painful to have multiple wives. (it's bad enough when one woman is pissed off at you for being a stupid man, just imagine for a moment having 2 or 3... you'd never get a moment where one of them wasn't pissed at you.)

I get it's a video game and that the npc's ai isn't anything near realistic but I mean, for roleplaying purposes even, this idea makes me shudder.
Dernière modification de TheCainPack; 22 aout 2013 à 22h56
thomasfulton0505 a écrit :
i guess i would like to see a mod where i could have a couple of wifes and have them live in diffrent houses anyone made anything like that

Why the hell would anyone want to do this? Let's forget moral reasons for a moment... Women are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ impossible to understand as it is. A man only has the ability to halfway understand one of them in a lifetimes investment (I truly believe this) so god would it be painful to have multiple wives. (it's bad enough when one woman is pissed off at you for being a stupid man, just imagine for a moment having 2 or 3... you'd never get a moment where one of them wasn't pissed at you.)

I get it's a video game and that the npc's ai isn't anything near realistic but I mean, for roleplaying purposes even, this idea makes me shudder.

Speak for yourself and some other guys, I can understand women quite well. And maybe it's anime talking but I would love to have a harem, but you're right about how much of a pain to have multiple wives, I would never have any money and one of them would want to secretly kill one of us. I can't handle that lol
Jogon a écrit :
One wife is enough. Several wives is a no no. Unless your a masochist.
Lol. So you're thinking making love must be hurtful to him and he loves pain so therefore he wants more women to make love to? Now why didn't I get that association. :D
Why the hell would anyone want to do this? Let's forget moral reasons for a moment...
Okay. Without moral reasons to not have more than one woman, what reason is there?

Women are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ impossible to understand as it is. A man only has the ability to halfway understand one of them in a lifetimes investment (I truly believe this) so god would it be painful to have multiple wives. (it's bad enough when one woman is pissed off at you for being a stupid man, just imagine for a moment having 2 or 3... you'd never get a moment where one of them wasn't pissed at you.)
Somehow I don't think he wants several women in order to sit around in each home and get to understand them. Actually, some guys do this to escape going through getting to understand one woman because they feel deep down they'll never succeed. Others don't care wither way and for them there'll never be enough women to visit when he's in town.

I get it's a video game and that the npc's ai isn't anything near realistic but I mean, for roleplaying purposes even, this idea makes me shudder.
Hm, I could imagine myself having one or two on the side, but then again, I've chosen one to start with whom I imgiine to be someone who wouldn't take it hard. I know, such women are few, but like you said, the gamne isn't very in-depth realistic so you can sort of think into it quite a lot as you chose.

If I had my way I would've married the Nightinggale lady to behin with, and perhaps no more than her. Then again, Muiri, the Herblist shop keeper from Markath is sweet and she has money reguarly, I see her as a good mother figure for the two kids I adopt. She's always grateful for the help I gave her before we marrried, I don't think she'd hate me for having another woman or two. Serana, the vampire aristocrat daughter, would be a good wife to keep the castle in order too, she's tough and would easily get the respect a lady of a castle needs. - I'd not move Muri to the castle even though I turn her because of our kids. They need a regular town with other kids to grow up around...

But here I go, telling stories when we shouold talk about wether it's right or wrong to want more tha one woman.
NellzDaBlackKing a écrit :
Speak for yourself and some other guys, I can understand women quite well.

You're either a woman, a god or you're delusional... that is all.

AmaDraque a écrit :
Lol. So you're thinking making love must be hurtful to him and he loves pain so therefore he wants more women to make love to? Now why didn't I get that association. :D

There is a huge distinction between making love with multiple women and being married to them... one is fun to do when you aren't married, but both are bad when you are.

AmaDraque a écrit :
Okay. Without moral reasons to not have more than one woman, what reason is there?

Sanity reasons, you'd have to be mad to do this regardless of morality! (again, talking about marriage, not sex... or at least not sex when not married.)
Dernière modification de TheCainPack; 23 aout 2013 à 0h33
NellzDaBlackKing a écrit :

Why the hell would anyone want to do this? ... I get it's a video game ... but I mean, for roleplaying purposes even, this idea makes me shudder.

Speak for yourself and some other guys, I can understand women quite well. And maybe it's anime talking but I would love to have a harem, but you're right about how much of a pain to have multiple wives, I would never have any money and one of them would want to secretly kill one of us. I can't handle that lol
I don't think we can really know how well we understand the other sex. I'm told by women that I understand them well but I know it's only true so far. Part of the fascination is that there's always that little bit that's secret to us - and the other way around to them as well.

As for making money enough....In real life it depends on many things. Some women are very good at making their own money, others are born wealthy. In Skyrim you'd be able to take very well care of a harem post level 35-ish, that's when you begin to make real coin.

The problem would be pretty much like Legendary Puppyborn says: Would you find it interesting enough to spend the time necessary to get to know and understand that many women, or would you want this because you like the physical part of it? In Skyrim, I'd definitely say the latter. But I'd still like to have more interaction implemented to make the most of it.
who said i was playing as a man? i want a wife for each house. i could just leave when i dont wan to see them. i could also have each one make me a meal and each one give me money. plus there are so may beautiful women to marry why just have one. this is set back in older times where men had more than one wifes at times
i guess we have forgottne the orc chief can have many wives so i dont think this mod would be that silly. i basically want a wife at each house. with each cooking me meals and giving me money plus i wouldnt have to choosre which one to marry.
thomasfulton0505 a écrit :
who said i was playing as a man?
Heh. Anyway it doesn't matter what your sex is in the game, you can play gay too. :)

thomasfulton0505 a écrit :
i want a wife for each house. i could just leave when i dont wan to see them. i could also have each one make me a meal and each one give me money. plus there are so may beautiful women to marry why just have one. this is set back in older times where men had more than one wifes at times
I think you only get money from those who were store keepers before they married you (though I could be mistaken). But yeah, I understand what you're saying. I'd do it simply because it'd be a hassle to go and make your wife move every time you enter a different city, since you can't have her travel with you....Or are there some followers one can marry?

thomasfulton0505 a écrit :
i guess we have forgottne the orc chief can have many wives so i dont think this mod would be that silly. i basically want a wife at each house. with each cooking me meals and giving me money plus i wouldnt have to choosre which one to marry.
True, especially for those who play orcs, but it should be available to everyone.
Hey guys stop fighting. Anyways heres some benefits. More money. More stores to buy and sell stuff at. MORE LOVE! Jk.
can you kill your wife , hide her in the basement then remarry?
ponycorns331 a écrit :
Hey guys stop fighting.
Nah, we weren't fighting, just a case of misunderstanding each other, so we inquired what the other guy meant. Actually we've all been quite in agreement about racism. And hey, if somebody is racist it's his choice, I'm certainly not going to tell others what to think or feel. :)

ponycorns331 a écrit :
Anyways heres some benefits. More money. More stores to buy and sell stuff at. MORE LOVE! Jk.
Yup, you said it! ;)

Major Moolah a écrit :
Mo' money mo' problems
True, more money gives you more problems of a certain kind, but less money gives you more problems too, they're just of a different kind. That's what many people fail to realize: Problems is a fact of life, there's no way to have no problems.

Personally I prefer the 'more money' type of problems, and I've lived both the rich and the poor versions of life, so I have something to base my preference upon. Then again, I've met people who have also been both a rich - or at least wealthy - person, and a various degrees of being poor, yet they preferred the 'less money' option. Just goes to show we're all different.

Icarus a écrit :
can you kill your wife , hide her in the basement then remarry?
I'm not sure, but I think you can probably kills at least most of the possible wifes/husbands/spouses-whatever. Why not try it out? Make sure to save first, then try and kill your wife, and after you log out come back and tell us how it went.

If you want to know before you take any action, you can easily check out a list of all the NPCs you can marry with their stats and identities etc., as well as all the Essential NPCs in the game, on Skyrim UESP Wiki.

The game operates with 'Essential NPCs' who can't be killed. So if your wife is an Essential NPC you can't kill her, but I don't think you can marry any essential NPCs though I don't know for certain.
Take her to Boetheia's shrine and do the human sacrifice!!!!

Dumgolf the Orc approves this method of divorce
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Posté le 22 aout 2013 à 16h03
Messages : 21