The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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So many people still playing, What do you do in Skyrim
I have a couple hundred hours played but i've noticed that 30k+ users play this game every day... For a single player game, even with mods that is very high. So i ask you what do you do in Skyrim? For me i explored most of the world, did quests and downloaded a few mods and i was done.

Maybe I can be inspired by some of you.
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I tried to create different slot file to play as different races e.g orc can go to orcs strongholds easily
i'm running out of ideas too. maybe just download a hell-lot of mods?
er.....there are younger people or just people who havent come across it before who are only just playing it for the first time.....c' can't be that short sighted, surely.....
Minmataro 27 Mei 2013 @ 7:27am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh TOFK Master Dan.:
er.....there are younger people or just people who havent come across it before who are only just playing it for the first time.....c' can't be that short sighted, surely.....

Skyrim has ben in the top ten on steam since release. New players trying the game is one thing but this is a dedicated community that this game has. This is why im asking.
naakka 27 Mei 2013 @ 8:20am 
I don't know about other players, but personally, I roleplay. I create stories. I use a lot of time composing the "perfect" background stories and try to make each character unique. I have three characters, one of which I seem to favour above the other two.

I don't think I'll be quitting Skyrim in the near future, even if it does say on my profile page that I have played for about 500 hours already..! Why? Well, I have tried neither Dawnguard nor Dragonborn DLC yet, and I have a feeling that even the base game still has a lot to offer me.

I use some minor mods, mostly related to graphics, but also some follower mods, and a couple of items such as bandoliers, backpacks and various "lore-friendly" armour pieces.

Yes, for me it's the stories that matter, and given my dangerously vivid imagination, I am not likely to run out of them anytime soon.. :)
Traveller 27 Mei 2013 @ 8:53am 
I follow up on what naakka said... I've had my fair share of playing skyrim, 540 hours (with breaks of sometimes 6 months, but still, it's a damn lot), and what really helps me is to try to bring my character to life.
The easiest way to do that is to make a you-character... by that I mean that you make the character look in the way you'd expect yourself to look in medieval times, but most importantly, that you make (moral) choices according to what you would probably do yourself if placed in such a situation.

Another thing which helps is living in skyrim as if it's a real world... travel, eat, sleep and more. I'm sure there are mods which help in making that aspect more realistic and varied too.. try travelling on the roads instead of fast-travelling, you'll be delighted to see how beautiful and varied every corner of skyrim really easy.

And perhaps, you might encounter some interesting fellows with their stories too on the way.

Hope this brought some ideas to ya
aturqoise 27 Mei 2013 @ 8:54am 
This is my sixth playthrough. With this character, a khajiit, I am literally walking around Skyrim, taking the time to complete one questline at a time. Taking time to eat and sleep. the only time I run is if I'm following someone who is running, or trying to catch up to someone, or fighting, or riding a horse, the only time I fast travel is by carriage ride. When you have to plan how long it takes to get somewhere it makes the game that much more enjoyable. I've only gotten as far as being called to High Hrothgar in the main questline (which I will complete after I've completed all the other questlines), completed the Dark Brotherhood questline. I'm in the middle of the Dawngaurd questline and am going to start the mod Helgen Reborn afterwards. I'm at level 29, I can see myself being at a very high level before having to fight Alduin.
300+hours myself and im still at maybe 50% discovered exploring alot and install mods that enhance graphics or sound mainly also some building mods but non that is out of lore or immersion of skyrim and no real change in gameplay.

I got DLC from bethesda also dawnguard and dragonborn.

Oh and i think best improvement over morrowind and oblivion is for me still the dungeons, there so much better then in previous games im love them.
Daddy Shark 27 Mei 2013 @ 9:43am 
I usually try to roleplay a character as the character would be. It helps you keep different slants on all the quests and dialogs. It makes for a different experience playing a goody-good mage and an evil assassin sneak-thief. I played once as an ultra-racist nord who's mantra was the hillbilly classic "if ya ain't white, ya ain't right!" and murdered any dark elves on sight.

This game is really just a toolbox for your imagination. If you need content spoon-fed to you in a simplistic manner then you're not going to get much mileage out of the game. If you can create a little of your own fun, the game will help it go a long way. Be creative!
Vhoscyte 27 Mei 2013 @ 9:51am 
download quest player homes make a new char etc
ShadowMoses 27 Mei 2013 @ 10:12am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Fast Typing and Bad Spelling:
I got he game recently and I finished the story and the majority of side quests with a warior character and now I really want to try a mage character so I can see myself playing Skyrim a lot in the future. I haven't tried any mods yet.

If you just recently got the game how can you be done with the main quest AND majority of side quests?
KLONDYYKE 27 Mei 2013 @ 10:21am 
Like some have already said, I kind of role-play, create stories from my experiences in the game and what happens to my character/her family.
After beating everything in one style of gameplay I have made a few other characters to fight in different ways, like mage/unarmed/warrior/thief/ect. There are so many combos and different styles of fighting to try! :D
Also mods, I've been trying those out a lot now, to improve the game where I've noticed it's not as good and stuff.
I just love this game. ;-;
Cat Daddy 27 Mei 2013 @ 11:04am 
there are always new MOD quest dlc's added quit regularly on the nexus moan you have no dlc when theres always new quests via mods?
fran25 27 Mei 2013 @ 11:16am 
Yes the latest mod is Helgen Reborn it is about 27 mg DLC on Nexus. I am waiting for all the bugs to be ironed out.

The beauty of Skyrim is that you can play different races,Male or Female. I have never seen a game like this and I have been playing games off and on since the Atari 2600 came out.

This game will never get old like some of the Old Might and Magics.

It is a great way for me to spend my senior years. So many of my friends cannot find happiness. And another Marriage after my Wife dying in not in the cards for me except to Lydia. LOL
Terakhir diedit oleh fran25; 27 Mei 2013 @ 11:18am
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