The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Steam loading error P:0000065432 Please Help!
I need help with skyrim...just downloaded skse and added the skse_loader.exe...after i got everything finished, i tried to play the crashed and when i opened it again it gave me this message: Application load error P:0000065432...Can someone please help?!
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don't worry, you're not the only one. it's happened to loads of people after steam updated, even me. I've managed to get on, but I don't know if it'll happen again.
same damn problem here :(
Cymru, did you do anything specific to enable you to play ?
i've tried to delete a few files and restart my computer, but those don't seem to do the trick. i'm thinking of just reinstalling skse all together
I'm now having problems just loading the game in soon as it gets to the start screen it crashes so i think it isn't skse anymore...i'm hoping none of my files are corrupt
exit steam from the task bar then restart steam and skyrim will load if your crashing as soon as the beth logo comes on your have a mod conflict.
i will restart steam, but i know it's not a mod confliction because i deactivated most of the mods that i just downloaded...i'm probably also going to restart my computer.
are you using skyse make sure its loaded correctly also removing mods from steam sometimes keeps there scripts left over revalidate your cache as well
i've got a bit of a problem...skyrim is no longer on steam anymore, but i can still play it from my C:// Drive and my desktop.
are you sure? you may have somehow switchs its location uninstall it and reinstall it throuh steam
Same problem here since Steam updated a few days ago. A workaround that works for me is to simply start Steam offline and then click the skse launcher. I can play skyrim and do not care if steam is taking stock of my accomplishments.
I'm getting the same error. I can start the game fine and play it for a bit, but whenever I accomplish something (like finishing a quest or getting an achivment) the game shuts down. If I try to restart it again I get the error P:0000065432 message. Only way to stop getting the message is to restart steam.

I tried playing it in offline mode too, but it doesent't seem to help.
Ultima modifica da Maradukh; 13 mag 2013, ore 12:44
Messaggio originale di Maradukh:
I'm getting the same error. I can start the game fine and play it for a bit, but whenever I accomplish something (like finishing a quest or getting an achivment) the game shuts down. If I try to restart it again I get the error P:0000065432 message. Only way to stop getting the message is to restart steam.

I tried playing it in offline mode too, but it doesent't seem to help.

yeah...that is the main way...actually, deselect some of your mod plugins and it might work because sometimes mods are not compatible with skse or they just freeze when skse is running...i did a more complicated way, but if you want to know it then just let me know.
Messaggio originale di Cymru Dragonborn:
don't worry, you're not the only one. it's happened to loads of people after steam updated, even me. I've managed to get on, but I don't know if it'll happen again.

Mine loads, but I get an error about needing to update, though there isn't an update for SKSE yet. Usually takes a day or so, which sucks because I was on a roll last night.
I am having trouble getting on my skyrim game as well. Not the same error report but idk what you would consider it. I will get on the game and the start menu comes up, i pressed continue and it started loading but will never actually get to the game, stays on the loading page, PLEASE HELP!
Same problem as well :(
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Data di pubblicazione: 8 mag 2013, ore 11:59
Messaggi: 41