The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
How do I fix this!?
I've had a problem with textures streatching all the way across the world but only in the overworld, I've got the newest drivers, i lowred AA to 2x, and increased my cpu voltage and no progress there. This has been driving me crazy for five hours now!!!
Автор останньої редакції: dirty fool; 7 квіт. 2014 о 14:46
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Показані коментарі 115 із 26
I've had a problem with textures streatching all the way across the world but only in the overworld
Цитата допису HaloEliteLegend:
Please elaborate.
sorry i didnt have time to write before you replied...
Цитата допису hedgie_yozh:
Ice it and elevate it.
I dont understand
This is happening on numerous games and i have all the SysReq.
Цитата допису Mr. Squirrels:
Цитата допису HaloEliteLegend:
Please elaborate.
sorry i didnt have time to write before you replied...

Ah, OK. No problem.

And as for your problem...
Are you running Skyrim at 2560 x 1600, or anything 2K and above?
That is known to cause texture and mesh issues.
Skyrim's engine is pretty weird.

Try setting your resoluton down to something around 1920 x 1200, 1920 x 1080, or lower, and see if that works.
Цитата допису Mr. Squirrels:
I'm at 1280x1024

What graphics card are you using?
Try toggling your antialising options.
to zero? im already at 2x... ok.
Цитата допису Mr. Squirrels:
AMD Radeon 7790

Well, I think I can safely say the problem is not with your graphics card.
I also run a 7790, and I've had no problems with Skyrim.
Just make sure you're running the latest drivers.

Could it possibly be a mod causing the problem?
Try disabling some mods and see if that helps.
Also, run Steam and Skyrim as an admin, which may help clear up any folder pemission issues that the game is running into.
You could also try using Nexus Mod Manager to change the load order of your mods, which may also be causing some issues.

If you're runnin the game in full-screen mode, try running it in windowed mode and see if that helps. If you're runnin Skyrim in windowed mode, try running it in Full Screen mode.

If all else fails, you can try backing up your saves and uninstaling/reinstalling Skyrim.
It could be that your Steam files for Skyrim were invalidated by a mod, and reinstalling Skyrim would validate them again.

That's all I can think of in the way of potential fixes.
I've never encountered this issue before, so I cannot guarantee everything I've listed will work 100%.
Tried with NO mods on new game and tried windowed and fullscreen; no change. Putting the AA to 0x crashes on start up.... if 13.12 is the newest catalyst driver then im up to date.
Can you provide a screen of exactly what this looks like? Simply googling stretching textures in Skyrim actually returns many results but no way to know exactly what you are experiencing.
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Опубліковано: 7 квіт. 2014 о 14:41
Дописів: 26