The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Hello. Got question about mods. Here´s it.
How big is difference bethween mods from workshop and mods from skyrim nexus?

Are these mods not completed, or what (from workshop)?
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No; a mod is a mod; Workshop or Nexus is where you download it from.

So its all right then. Thanks, bro.
Steam has certain restrictions that some Modders like to work outside of...
...Nexus has certain aspects that some Modders like to stay away from...

When it comes to downloading mods, Subscribers (Downloaders) have personal preference for either the Mods thereby available, and the processes involved in accessing them...

Also preferences for the communities of either site...

Always a good idea to see what you think, for yourself :)
Nexus generally has better , larger, and prettier mods
Mod authors have thier preferences too. Some will post only on one or the other, some will post on both.
Dernière modification de mpd1958; 2 juil. 2014 à 19h52
mpd1958 a écrit :
Mod authors have thier preferences too. Some will post only on one or the other, some will post on both.

Mod Authors = Better terminology for "Modders" :)
Fayde1 a écrit :
mpd1958 a écrit :
Mod authors have thier preferences too. Some will post only on one or the other, some will post on both.

Mod Authors = Better terminology for "Modders" :)
Hey, how ya doin Fayde?
:) G'day MPD - Took a lil Forumbreak during the worst of the Sale lol... Did my bit, then had to go recuiperate heheh...
How are ya?
Off to play, leaving forum for a while, but otherwise I'm just fine. Have a GREAT day.
Dernière modification de mpd1958; 2 juil. 2014 à 20h00
Have fun, mate
I could be wrong but I think workshop only allows mods of 100MB or less, whereas Nexus has no limit. Anyone back that up? Also, you will not find any sexually explicit clothing mods on workshop because younger players have access to Steam.
Dernière modification de John Gromorg; 2 juil. 2014 à 23h53
Yes I've heard there are such restrictions on size, and definitely the content restrictions are... different :)
NiceONE a écrit :
Hello. Got question about mods. Here´s it.
How big is difference bethween mods from workshop and mods from skyrim nexus?

Are these mods not completed, or what (from workshop)?
Workshop is more restricted. There is a filesize limit, meaning there bigger mods possible from Nexus. Mods like new landmasses and quests with voiceacting. There several mods close to Dragonborn DMC in size on Nexus.
Workshop mods are less flexable. Because it's an easy download or not system you can't 'blend' mods together that overlap. You use either one. Nexus with the Mod Manager gives you more control.
In the end some of the best mods can only be found on Nexus, stuff like the Unofficial Patches, SkyUI and Falskaar.
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Posté le 2 juil. 2014 à 15h34
Messages : 13