Sonic Generations

Sonic Generations

Error when trying to open Sonic Generations - white error box
Hello everyone! I've a really big problem with this game. when i try to open it, it appears a white error box without any text (spanish version), i've read on the internet that in some cases it appears a error message too.

in any case, I want to know how to fix it. 6 month before it worked prefectly, but yesterday when i installed it again, that error appeared. I tried to reinsltall the game, but it was useless.

someone has te same problem? any ideas? solutions? thank you all for your help :)
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11/1 megjegyzés mutatása
fixed XD thank you all. i don't know why, but i doeleted the cfg files and suddlnly worked :)
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11/1 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. dec. 16., 3:43
Hozzászólások: 1