Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

AonGX2012 2013 年 2 月 4 日 下午 4:52
ugh, even the demo is hard!!! HELP!!!
ok, i know its just the demo, but i am in the mindset of "if i cant reach that amount in a few days, i am screwed in the full version" no matter what i do, i cant seem to get the damn 10,000 pix i need for week 1!!!! ugh, i need help!!! how can i get close enough, what should i NOT buy in order to sell???
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Marmalade Chainsaw 2013 年 2 月 4 日 下午 10:54 
Try selling the very cheapest items in the beginning to get the customers' budgets up and earn some loyalty. Put a variety of items in your shop window instead of just one type. I tend to always get requests for food, hats, and weapons early on, so I try to stock a few at a time.
AonGX2012 2013 年 2 月 5 日 上午 11:22 
yea, i tried that. get the cheapest things. but i tend to get treasures and other stuff request wise..... i like the game, and once i have money, i will buy the full version, but i want to @ least make it to the damn 10,000 is hard, even getting cheap ♥♥♥♥ isnt that great when i get so close, yet no cigar....
Nekilla 2013 年 2 月 5 日 下午 1:19 
What percentage values are you selling at? I think Tear tells you to sell at an absurd 130% at the beginning of the game. Most people won't buy at that value, and you don't earn reputation with customers if you have to haggle.
AonGX2012 2013 年 2 月 7 日 上午 11:24 
i, how do i make it so i can earn the 10,000 pix in demo, if i am not doing them right??? i tend to add either 20 pix or 50, depending on what the item is....and anywhere in between those numbers....though i am not sure what i am doing wrong....i also hate how its weekly instead of byweekly or monthly...can you tell me what a good percentage is that will help??? or give me general advice to help me out so i dont get another game over???
Nekilla 2013 年 2 月 7 日 下午 3:19 
Depends on the character what percentage to use
Normal Men about 125%
Guild master 125%
Little girl 110-115%
normal lady 115-119%
Old Man 115-119%
though these wont help if you try to sell them something over their budget.
Honestly don't know what else to tell you from whats already been said, I didnt start having problems till week 4 meeting the budget.
doombybbr 2013 年 2 月 8 日 上午 3:36 
every time you lose you keep the items in your inventory, so on the last day if you cannot get enough money you must buy a lot from the stores so it carries over.
doombybbr 2013 年 2 月 8 日 上午 3:39 
I don't think it is possible to complete the game without getting a few game overs and starting over with all the items in inventory.
cearn 2013 年 2 月 8 日 上午 9:54 
引用自 Nekilla
Depends on the character what percentage to use
Normal Men about 125%
Guild master 125%
Little girl 110-115%
normal lady 115-119%
Old Man 115-119%
While you can avoid haggling (usually) with these percentages and thereby keep the combo going, the 106%-110% range will also get you pin bonusses. The few % extra money doesn't make up for the 40% loss in merchant XP. I did some example math on it here.

The most important thing in the early game is to keep the combos going. Not only does it mean getting more merchant XP, but it also levels up customer rep, which is tied to their budgets. the first time customer rep increases (you get a little heart), their budget increases 10-fold, so it's important to do that as soon as possible.

引用自 doombybbr
I don't think it is possible to complete the game without getting a few game overs and starting over with all the items in inventory.
It is. Here's an older thread with tips on how to do that. If you keep to the 106%-110% range (modified for price-ups/downs, of course) and unlock some adventurers by completing the first 2 dungeons, you should have money to spare at the end of each week.
最后由 cearn 编辑于; 2013 年 2 月 8 日 上午 9:55 2013 年 2 月 9 日 上午 10:19 
just farm for hunny in the jade forest is sells for 3200pix and drops from bees
doombybbr 2013 年 2 月 12 日 上午 7:41 
the best way to do it is to make sure to put your money into the most expensive items and DO NOT SELL THEM ON CYCLES WHERE YOU DON'T THINK YOU CAN MAKE IT, you want to start your next cycle with as much items as you can then sell a lot of them and make a lot of money,later on items will be worth more than 10,000 and you will not have to worry about the first week at all.
AonGX2012 2013 年 2 月 12 日 上午 11:16 
引用自 Domon Barkley
Holy crap you are awful. Just stop playing if you cant even get 10k
see, it is not that i cant. when i attempt to go to a dungeon, the hall trials took me a bit, but i eventually got past that. the jade forest boss, the blue slime, i could not beat cuz i didnt have enough health restoratives when i got to him. it is not that i suck, i just need a few pointers....i have gotten close to the 10k, i just havent gotten, i have the demo, cuz right now money is tight.
i posted this for advice and to commune with others over similar problems, not someone to tell me i should quit when any new game that you start, in which you are not used to its format, it will be hard. i am trying to get to my usual gameing level over all, which is about mid range.
in playing any game, you are not an instant bad ass. it takes a while, especially when you go and try a gameing style your not used to. i am not trying to be mean, just letting you know it isnt fair to say that kind of stuff to someone who is trying, who enjoys the challenge, and is simply stuck. if ya wanna bash, bash on those who do not try and just ♥♥♥♥♥ and moan that they are no good. THAT is what separates gamers from other, non-serious folk who simply play whatever game can pass time. thank you for your inpute, just try not to make that kind of comment to me w/o doing your research FIRST. thanks for commenting....
Armony 2013 年 2 月 21 日 上午 6:25 
引用自 doombybbr
I don't think it is possible to complete the game without getting a few game overs and starting over with all the items in inventory.
Not at all true. I finished each week of the story with enough to cover the NEXT week's payment (Finished week 5 with about 900k) on my first playthrough, with no resets.

The main thing you have to do is focus more on getting your merchant level up rather than the dungeon crawling aspect. You don't get a whole lot that's worth the time you put into the dungeon crawls until you hit the post-story dungeons. On my first playthrough, the only times I took an adventurer were both on the first day you're able, and I finished both the Hall of Trials and the next dungeon. That's really all you need to get events and special characters coming to your shop. If you're having trouble surviving, take a few moments to memorize enemy attack patterns, and focus more on dodging their attacks than finishing them off quickly.

When you're selling things, avoiding haggling is the key. You get a nice bonus from pricing an item at their expectations, but a running combo can get you much, much more experience in the long run. Selling at 105%-110% will usually get an instant sale (Prime doesn't like to buy, I just sell at 100% to her), adjusting for any news you get about item value.

Once your merchant level is up, you'll have good items to buy from the guildmaster, and you'll be able to expand your shop. Expanding is important for attracting more customers, and putting a larger selection of items on display. Also, pay attention to when certain items become popular, and stock up accordingly. If you get a rush of people looking for a popular item, that can easily bring in 500+ exp., not to mention the extra sales from all those customers.
AonGX2012 2013 年 2 月 26 日 上午 6:30 
引用自 ;864960353904590539
引用自 doombybbr
I don't think it is possible to complete the game without getting a few game overs and starting over with all the items in inventory.
Not at all true. I finished each week of the story with enough to cover the NEXT week's payment (Finished week 5 with about 900k) on my first playthrough, with no resets.

The main thing you have to do is focus more on getting your merchant level up rather than the dungeon crawling aspect. You don't get a whole lot that's worth the time you put into the dungeon crawls until you hit the post-story dungeons. On my first playthrough, the only times I took an adventurer were both on the first day you're able, and I finished both the Hall of Trials and the next dungeon. That's really all you need to get events and special characters coming to your shop. If you're having trouble surviving, take a few moments to memorize enemy attack patterns, and focus more on dodging their attacks than finishing them off quickly.

When you're selling things, avoiding haggling is the key. You get a nice bonus from pricing an item at their expectations, but a running combo can get you much, much more experience in the long run. Selling at 105%-110% will usually get an instant sale (Prime doesn't like to buy, I just sell at 100% to her), adjusting for any news you get about item value.

Once your merchant level is up, you'll have good items to buy from the guildmaster, and you'll be able to expand your shop. Expanding is important for attracting more customers, and putting a larger selection of items on display. Also, pay attention to when certain items become popular, and stock up accordingly. If you get a rush of people looking for a popular item, that can easily bring in 500+ exp., not to mention the extra sales from all those customers.
this is all helpful, but i only have the demo, not the full....i am trying to @ least get the damn 10k, so that when i do buy it in full, i will be able to go and do a ♥♥♥♥ ton issue is i dont even get to this point....also, i dont know who Prime is, i havent gotten very far....
ItzHawkie 2013 年 2 月 26 日 上午 11:27 
引用自 AonGX2012
this is all helpful, but i only have the demo, not the full....i am trying to @ least get the damn 10k, so that when i do buy it in full, i will be able to go and do a ♥♥♥♥ ton issue is i dont even get to this point....also, i dont know who Prime is, i havent gotten very far....
Heres what i did for the demo i completed the first dungeon and spent the rest of my time just selling and restocking my shop and i got enough to pass the first week.
i useually sold items around 120% of normal price but after playing the full game i realised its best to sell a bit lower early on so i dont have to haggle with anyone and they will buy more expensive items later on i know thats irrelevent for you right now but it bit me in the butt later on

And thats really it its pretty simple i sent you a friend request so if your still having trouble with it i can try to help guide you through it via chat or skype or somthing and offer some help with the full game as well if you decide to buy it Capitalism HO
最后由 ItzHawkie 编辑于; 2013 年 2 月 26 日 上午 11:43
AonGX2012 2013 年 2 月 26 日 下午 6:46 
[quote=Heres what i did for the demo i completed the first dungeon and spent the rest of my time just selling and restocking my shop and i got enough to pass the first week.
i useually sold items around 120% of normal price but after playing the full game i realised its best to sell a bit lower early on so i dont have to haggle with anyone and they will buy more expensive items later on i know thats irrelevent for you right now but it bit me in the butt later on

And thats really it its pretty simple i sent you a friend request so if your still having trouble with it i can try to help guide you through it via chat or skype or somthing and offer some help with the full game as well if you decide to buy it Capitalism HO [/quote]

ok, i accepted....i havent played too much, and my internet at home is interesting, so if ya wanna chat or something let me know when ur avaib and we can try to work it out....send me a message any time, too....i am always on for chit note your in Tex, i am in Mass, so timezones are a tad different.....

but yea, my next playthrough in the demo is not gonna be to go over the base price until i work on getting everything set......i try to make close enough by day 5, cuz days 6, 7 and 8 are the ones ya really gotta get on your side.....@ least for the first time around....but thank you very much, i appreciate the help!!! i am gonna buy it, just dont know when....right now there is a game i am gonna buy first that caters more to the style i am used to playing in, and it really got me hooked with the demo, so i cant wait to get it!!!!
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发帖日期: 2013 年 2 月 4 日 下午 4:52
回复数: 24