WWE 2K18

WWE 2K18

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KINGKEMO-91- Nov 8, 2017 @ 10:45am
patch 1.04 fps drops
did anyone realized after patch dropped 15 fps, the match was 60 become 45 and 45 become 30 wtf we need solve this issues
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Serrassi Effect Nov 8, 2017 @ 10:45am 
yes, about half the threads on the first page is about this.
PallyLIVE Nov 8, 2017 @ 10:47am 
Wish steam had a rollback function. I'll take higher FPS with a few minor bugs, tbh.
ryg2257 Nov 8, 2017 @ 3:42pm 
dokoham Nov 9, 2017 @ 12:53am 
Darksidepj Nov 9, 2017 @ 5:19am 
my game runs smoothly,just saying.
Werecat101 Nov 9, 2017 @ 5:29am 
after the patch the game seems to require more CPU but if you are over the requirements by a lot you shouldn't notice it, I still get full speed but I have high spec PC, I expect this is true of Darksidepj's PC aswell.
Last edited by Werecat101; Nov 9, 2017 @ 5:30am
ElysiuM Nov 9, 2017 @ 9:48am 
I dont seem to be having any fps drops either . Its constant 60
purswanisunil85 Nov 9, 2017 @ 10:19am 
got to play multiplayer/online but is full of lags, where as with the same settings playing single player, the gameplay is perfect and without any lags and after update 1.04, the game has crashed many times in between matches, lets c what happens with next patch
Roz Britanicus Nov 9, 2017 @ 10:46am 
Originally posted by ElysiuM:
I dont seem to be having any fps drops either . Its constant 60

me too no problems. check your graphic setting my resalution was set to 4k changed it to 1920x1080 and now i get a constant 60fps.
Minus Nov 9, 2017 @ 5:07pm 
i5 7600 3.8Ghz
8GB DDR4 Ram Corsair vengeance 2400mhz
6GB GTX1060

Im getting frame drops. Only in specific areas (Matching room. Authority room).
I get the frame drops whether on the default setting High, or gimped low with ♥♥♥♥♥ resolution.

Before this patch there were no issues.

As you can see Im well over the "minimum" requirements and quite a ways above the recommended.

The patch broke the game, stop with the BS "Steve".
TheCharlieTour Nov 9, 2017 @ 6:26pm 
Foxxy Steve Nov 9, 2017 @ 10:53pm 
Sometimes it feels like 2K just does not know how to make a game. After the "patch" it runs even worse and freezes all together when trying to load a show card in universe mode. They have even further broke a game I paid good money for. And I'm also not rocking a low end machine. I've been buying these games every year since 99 amd I'm not sure I can deal with this kind of fly by night development anymore.
kirkyeehee Nov 10, 2017 @ 7:16am 
Originally posted by SnootyFoxx:
Sometimes it feels like 2K just does not know how to make a game. After the "patch" it runs even worse and freezes all together when trying to load a show card in universe mode. They have even further broke a game I paid good money for. And I'm also not rocking a low end machine. I've been buying these games every year since 99 amd I'm not sure I can deal with this kind of fly by night development anymore.

Just to clear one little thing up. 2k Didn't make this game, they published it. Yukes Media and Visual Concepts made the game. (they're the developers of the game)

As far as that last line goes... if 2K goes the way EA is planning to with their sports games, you won't have to worry about buying these games annually anymore, it'll be like World of Warcraft and you'll have to pay a monthly subscription fee just to play, with no more releases put out of that specific game, just updates instead.

Just to point out, if the sub was $15 USD ($20 CAD) a month (the price of WOW per month) you'd be paying $180 USD ($240 CAD) per year for the game.
Werecat101 Nov 10, 2017 @ 7:26am 
Originally posted by SnootyFoxx:
Sometimes it feels like 2K just does not know how to make a game. After the "patch" it runs even worse and freezes all together when trying to load a show card in universe mode. They have even further broke a game I paid good money for. And I'm also not rocking a low end machine. I've been buying these games every year since 99 amd I'm not sure I can deal with this kind of fly by night development anymore.

ok Whilst Yukes have been the developers on the THQ WWE games since 2000, 2K only took over the WWE games for the release 2K14 THQ made all the decisions but due to bankrupcy lost the franchise and 2K released it after Acquiring the franchise.

what are your machine specs my PC is all 2 year old hardware and the game runs perfectly. 60fps at 1920x1200 during matches no crashes to date yes I have the bugs and glitches but lots of those were fixed by 1.04.
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Date Posted: Nov 8, 2017 @ 10:45am
Posts: 14