Fallout 4 VR

Fallout 4 VR

Fallout 4 VR | Update [UPDATED]
Fallout 4 VR's latest update (version is now available for everyone.

If you run into any issues or have further feedback, let us know by commenting here, or by posting in our official forums [bethesda.net].

A full list of fixes and features can be viewed at the bottom of this post in our Patch Notes.

Thank you for your continued feedback!

Fallout 4 VR Beta Update Version Patch notes

New Features
  • Added the following options to VR Settings:
    --->Adjust overall world scale to improve issues relating to height
    --->Invert Pip-Boy map scrolling
    --->“Minimal Power Armor HUD
    --->“Fixed Pip-Boy Size”
  • Added various performance and quality options. Some options will require a game restart.
Bug Fixes
  • Scope support has been added
  • Improved V.A.T.S. targeting
  • Fixed crash occurring when transferring lots of items (e.g. “Transfer Junk” in Workshop)
  • Fixed rendering issues with stars and other sky objects
  • Fixed rendering issues that resulted in flickering lighting
  • Fixed rendering issue with the SteamVR controller models
  • Fixed notes sometimes having invisible text or being upside down
  • Fixed rendering issue with blurry hands and weapons when moving in Direct Movement mode
  • Fixed precipitation occlusion
  • Adjusted Pip-Boy and Power Armor HUD visuals
  • Menus that pause the game will no longer move with the HMD
  • Fixed issue with scrolling through crafting requirements when there were more than 5 requirements
  • Fixed an issue where log Holotapes wouldn’t play in Projected Pip-Boy mode
  • Fixed Pip-Boy and HUD color settings not saving after restart
  • Fixed the Blitz perk sometimes putting the player in unintended locations
  • Fixed the orientation of the player model when using the Barber or Facial Reconstruction NPCs.
  • Fixed the player occasionally not being in the right location when starting a new game
  • Fixed occasional crash fix when saving and loading
  • Add minimum distance requirement to enter scope mode with scoped weapons
  • Fixed occasional crash when doing "take all" from bodies
  • Reverted previous patch behavior regarding trigger pull sensitivity, except in scope view
  • Fixed shadows cast by parabolic lights
  • Fixed crash with some spawned particles while looking through scopes
  • Fixed issue with stars sometimes rendering in just the left eye
  • Fixed issue with some lights rendering in just the left eye
  • Fixed scale of recon markers while in scopes
  • Fixed scopes lagging behind when comfort sneaking
  • Fixed an issue with targeting heads in VATS
  • Fixed compass orientation while in Power Armor
  • Various other minor fixes and improvements
  • Deprecated Fallout4VRCustom.ini. Custom options should be placed in Fallout4Custom.ini
Ultima modifica da JessBethesda; 8 feb 2018, ore 12:07
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Visualizzazione di 1-15 commenti su 221
Awesome thank you, look forward to testing
--->Adjust overall world scale to improve issues relating to height

Scaling the world up and down should not be used to resolve height issues (although the default world scale is set too small with 70, 62 is a better value for improved immersion.) A separate option for player height, similar to the Open VR settings, makes more sense.
Ultima modifica da DNY; 30 gen 2018, ore 7:54
I dont the Beta yet, Is it Available? does anyone else have this problem?
Oh will so try that as soon as it rolls out!
The changelog sounds promising. Very nice fixes! I will also try out the beta when it's ready.
Where to we give feedback about the beta and it's new features and bug fixes? In this thread?
Added various performance and quality options. Some options will require a game restart.

Can you please be more specific on this item?
oh nooooooo, no fix for the object disappering/appearing bug on oculus? :(
Ultima modifica da Huxley288; 30 gen 2018, ore 7:58
Man, just the flickering fix will make my day. The rest is icing on the cake.

Looking forward to trying it out!
Messaggio originale di Salamand3r:
Man, just the flickering fix will make my day. The rest is icing on the cake.

Looking forward to trying it out!

I dont see anything saying about the shimmering fix ?,i hope that is the case as that is what puts me off playing the game.You must be correct :P,maybe i should get my glasses lol.
downloaded! trying right now!
Added various performance and quality options. Some options will require a game restart.
That’s the one I wanted the most.
Messaggio originale di Thors_Wrath:
Messaggio originale di Salamand3r:
Man, just the flickering fix will make my day. The rest is icing on the cake.

Looking forward to trying it out!

I dont see anything saying about the shimmering fix ?,i hope that is the case as that is what puts me off playing the game.You must be correct :P,maybe i should get my glasses lol.

The shimmering occurs primarily with TAA disabled - without some form of AA or heavy supersampling, it can't be avoided with the relatively low resolution of current HMDs.

It would be great to see some alternative AA solutions, since TAA can be very blurry. However, there are some tweaks posted on reddit (on mobile atm, don't have link handy) that allow TAA to eliminate shimmering and not be quite as blurry.
I keep clicking beta. Go out shovel snow come in click beta. Make coffee click beta. Take shower clicked beta. Jeez. What a tease. !
Lighting happened all the time for me until I lowered steam ss to 1.5. And shimmering happened when I turned off taa. I just want some kind of anti aliasing on while still being sharp and performing well.
67.4mb patch IS available

FXAA cranked up works great, much better than TAA on my R9 390
Luv’n the scopes, “Hold Breath” function is very intuitive.
Ultima modifica da chuck; 30 gen 2018, ore 8:42
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Data di pubblicazione: 30 gen 2018, ore 7:23
Messaggi: 221