Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Im really wondering if i should get this game, as the survival atmosphere seems pretty intense. Do many people still play this game online??
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mugi 13 maja 2013 o 2:09 
Stop wondering and get it. And yes.
Sgt. Mac 13 maja 2013 o 3:45 
Im guessing you like it? is it worth the 20 bucks? im considering getting a copy for my bro so we can play together
Nosfrat 13 maja 2013 o 3:57 
40 bucks for hundreds of hours of fun. And next to this you have CoD, costing thrice as much counting the DLCs for a few minutes of frustration before uninstalling and mourning your wasted, hard-earned money.

As stated above, don't wonder and get it, you won't be disappointed if you're into that kind of game. If you enjoy the athmosphere, try to stay away from the wikis, guides and other sources of help for as long as possible; as soon as you become armed with technical knowledge, the only way you'll ever feel immersed into the apocalyptic survival vibe is if you play on the hardest difficulty, are low on health and your three teammates are dead.
yes, sure!
m30w 13 maja 2013 o 4:11 
Thousands of people still play this game. http://store.steampowered.com/stats/
Sgt. Mac 13 maja 2013 o 4:53 
Thank you so much guys. Ill definetly be looking into buying this game
thank you for all the advice!
mugi 13 maja 2013 o 5:54 
Getting a copy for your bro is a good idea. Start by playing campaign with him before heading to the online scene. It'll be good to get yourself acquainted with the game and how things work. The community snacks on the tears of newbies, so be warned. Check out the guides on steam, too. There're a whole bunch of well-written guides that'll make playing the game a lot more fun without looking like a noob.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: mugi; 13 maja 2013 o 5:56
Can anybody help me join thi game?
Sgt. Mac 13 maja 2013 o 14:45 
@mugi Do you mean the 10 dollor steam guides?
mugi 13 maja 2013 o 22:51 
Nope, I mean this page:


No point spending money on guides for L4D2, dude. Player-made guides provide more than enough info and tips to get you playing like a pro (or at the very least, not a noob). You'll need to browse through quite a number of them though. I suggest looking at the top-rated guides first.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: mugi; 13 maja 2013 o 22:52
Nosfrat 13 maja 2013 o 23:30 
I'd highly recommend playing the game first, before referring to guides.
Sgt. Mac 14 maja 2013 o 6:45 
Ive bought and played the game, however ive had trouble finding servers. i can find some, but only a handful, and i am sure more people play it than what i am seeing. (bear in mind i am living in japan. :/)
Sgt. Mac 14 maja 2013 o 6:45 
^help would be much appreiciated
Tibbles (Zbanowany) 14 maja 2013 o 10:08 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Mugi:
Stop wondering and get it. And yes.
Don't listen to the asshat above me, that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ doesn't know anything about the game. And if you get it, please practice in singleplayer first. So you get the jist of the game.
change your country settings to usa or europe.. i think its the only way.
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Data napisania: 13 maja 2013 o 1:28
Posty: 18