System Shock

System Shock

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Feedback: Want a Linux or OSX demo?
Hey everyone, we've been getting quite a few requests for Linux and OSX. It's something I want to explore, but first want to gauge your interest on it. Please reply to this post indicating if you want Linux or OSX (or both) versions of the demo. Can't make any guarantees at this point since there are other issues we're facing to get the demo on those platforms, but knowing what kind of a demand there is will help the team prioritize things.


- Jason

7/7/2016 Update
Good news so far... with the limited testing we were able to do, it looks like the Linux version of the demo is working. I also want to start testing the OSX version. Before we put it out there, I want to be sure something is verrrry clear with everyone...

Putting a Linux and OSX version of the demo out before we hit the stretch goal for Linux and OSX support DOES NOT imply we can support these platforms by just clicking a button. In Unity, building for those platforms can be done with a click of a button, but unless we have the resources to build on those platforms on a regular basis, supporting those platforms will be incredibly difficult.

Issues we're going to run into regularly:

- Build dependency issues. We ran into quite a bit of this for just building the demo for Linux. As the project grows, we'll probably face more of those issues.
- Testing on those platforms. We were only able to perform minimal testing on Linux for the demo, and there were some weird issues we had to fix to get things working.

Basically, I just want to be sure folks know that releasing on multiple platforms and supporting them isn't trivial, and we don't want to release a broken game on Linux or OSX. If we don't hit the stretch goal for those, then we can't afford the resources launch on those platforms. As long as that is clearly understood, we'll put the demo out for Linux and OSX.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on KungFuMonkey; 7.7.2016 klo 8.32
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Näytetään 61-75 / 314 kommentista
+1 for Linux.
Please keep in mind that as long as you make sure to point out a beta/alpha test version as a test version, you'll have plenty of people lining up to help test it, and you'll get good PR. On the other hand, releasing an untested version as a "final version" or main release, that's where you see people complaining about bugs, and rightfully so.
Very interested in this game if it comes to Linux!
that would be swell
+1 Linux please
Linux of course, thanks devs
+1 for a Linux demo.
I'm sure if the Kickstarter reaches the Linux and OSX platform stretch goal...............
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Sparhawk122; 3.7.2016 klo 5.31
+1 for Linux. Would be amazing
Yes please for a Linux Demo, and you'd so have my $ for a quality Linux game.
+1 for linux , thks devs
+1 OS X Demo!
+1 for OSX demo or macOS demo. :3:
We're running into issues with the Linux and OSX demo :-( Some bugs that are showstoppers (no audio and can't get past the initial screen). We're looking into it, but the higher priority is finishing our first patch for the backers. I'm hoping to have a Linux and OSX demo within a week.
Sounds great! Out of curiosity will you be using the new Vulkan API? It'd make the transition easier if so. Thanks for the update, happy developing.
Toast lähetti viestin:
Sounds great! Out of curiosity will you be using the new Vulkan API? It'd make the transition easier if so. Thanks for the update, happy developing.

Not sure. We basically just hit the button in Unity to make a build. What Unity does under the hood is "magic".
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Näytetään 61-75 / 314 kommentista
Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 30.6.2016 klo 10.35
Viestejä: 314