How long does it take to complete Limbo?
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Probably around 2 hours on your first playthrough, maybe less.
I brought LIMBO thinking I was supporting Linux gaming... But now Steam said me I can't install LIMBO in Ubuntu... I don't understand!
I needed about 2.5 hours, but without looking for all the achievements
No death, not going for 100% achievements ... little under an hour.
is great game !
joseanim eredeti hozzászólása:
I brought LIMBO thinking I was supporting Linux gaming... But now Steam said me I can't install LIMBO in Ubuntu... I don't understand!

Yeah well, the store page clearly shows two icons: a Windows icon and a MacOS icon. I cannot see a Linux icon.

My Humblebundle library offers 5 Linux downloads, though.
about 3 hours. with all "eggs" and secret level
Probably around 2 hours on your first playthrough, maybe less.
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. szept. 25., 13:32
Hozzászólások: 8